Bonus Chapter (3) - The Start to Forever (Part 1)

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3rd person's POV

The normally quiet atmosphere in Bloodrose was not the case for today's afternoon.

Everyone in the pack, as well as Silver Moon, was rustling around. Excited words could be heard as they all stood in waiting for night to come since today's important event would finally start then.

A great number of visitors could also be seen. Mainly those from the Sherwood Pack, Moonstone, Darryl and the others from the Clawtooth pride as well as Joey, Aiden, Tobias and his father.

Let it also be said that the Former Werecat King Luther was also present with his son. The current King, Jacob. Taking with Garreth and Timothy who were all smiles today.

"Now I knew that this day would finally come, but what I didn't know was that it would take this long." Garreth mused out. Chuckling out as he talked with the three.

"I know." Timothy chuckled as well. "Jayden really took his time."

"Well in his defense, running a pack for the first time takes time to getting used to. And lets take note that he also has his hands full with the birth of his second son three months ago." Luther joined in.

"True. Little Xavier really is a crier." Mused the former Alpha of Bloodrose.

"Where is Jayden anyways?? I could take a guess that he must be really nervous by now. Though Maddison would be in a similar position as well." Jacob said with a smile.

"You couldn't be more right." Garreth chuckled. "Sebastian and the other boys are with him right now. Trying to calm him down. They should be inside that cabin over there so why don't you go and help them out. I'm they're going to need all the help they can get with Jayden."

Chuckling out, the current king of the werecats went out to meet his friends who he hadn't seen in a good while.


"Jay you really need to calm yourself cause I can literally smell the nervousness rubbing off of you. Seriously just chill out. Why the heck are you nervous??" Darryl's said in amusement as he watched a normally very confident Jayden continuously tapping his knees as he sat on a couch with his brother.

"Nervous?? What are you talking about. I'm not nervous. When have I ever been nervous about anything??" The Lead of Bloodrose said in a rush which made his brother chuckle out beside him.

Circling his arm around his Jay's shoulder, Sebastian playfully shook him before saying. "Yeah, he's definitely nervous."

At that, a long sigh left the omega as he bended forward. Burying his face into his hands.

"You guys really aren't helping." He mumbled. Making the others chuckle out at seeing their friend this way.

"Why don't you just tell us what's got you so nervous?? You can't honestly be doubting your decision right??"

"No!! And I would never!!" Jayden didn't waste a second on answering Leo.

"Good. Cause it's too late to back out now even if you were." Mason mused in.

Leaning back into the couch, Jay tried to think of the reason why he's so nervous when he knew that this was the best decision he could have made in his entire life. So in the end, he could only give them the only answer he could think of.

"I just can't help but be nervous I guess." He lowly told them.

At that, small smiles broke out in the room as Sebastian lightly slapped his hand on Jay's knee.

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