A Winter View

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[Synopsis: A heartfelt moment between Gnome and Engineer is completely derailed by an unfortunate double kill...Fortunately, Engineer still finds a way to save the gloomy situation. EngiGnome fluff!(Duh...)]

[Location: Polus outpost]


"Come on, come on..."

The download task was always nerve wracking. It lasted forever, and all you could do while waiting for it to finish was stare at the loading bar in anticipation as it transferred the data to the tablet. It seemed that just when it was about to hit 100%, a dead body was found or a meeting was called, and the whole process had to be started over again.

Not to mention, it makes one especially susceptible to an approaching Impostor, Engineer grimly reminded himself as he watched the crewmate icon carry the files from one folder to the other across the screen, sweat beading on his forehead.

Download Complete



The crewmate turned his head towards the doorway to see his lime-clad sweetheart coming in from outside, a bounce in her step as she came to greet him.

"There you are! What'cha doin' in here all alone, babe?"

"Downloading data from here in electrical so I can transfer it to Communications," he replied. "I'm guessing you were looking for me?"

"Yep! Just wanted to make sure you were safe. The only task I have left is to fix the wiring in here, so after I do this, I think I'll just stay with you as you finish yours and keep you safe!"

"D'aw, Gnome...You're the best."

"No, you're the best, you and that big brain of yours..." she told him as she matched up the wiring in the panel. "I really don't know what I'd ever do without you, y'know?"


Engineer saw her deflate, just a tiny bit, as she finished her last task and closed the wiring panel.

"Yeah...You mind if I tell you something, Engie?"

"Sure. Whatever it is, I'll listen."

Her expression drooped a little more.

"Well...Ever since I got here, I've always sort of felt like an outcast in this lobby. Don't get me wrong, I like everyone here a whole lot. Player, Captain, TheGentleman...They're all super great. But I never felt like I fit in with them much. And they don't really talk to me that much, either, so...that thought kinda stuck."

"Oh...Wow. I didn't know you felt that way, too."

"Yeah...But then you came along, and I saw that you were in the same spot as me. I understood how that felt, you know? That's part of what really-"

She stopped short when she saw caught a glimpse of something behind Engineer. Alarmed by her sudden silence, the purple crewmate turned around to face-


He barely got the chance to identify the toilet paper roll the figure was wearing on its head before everything went black. The next thing Gnome knew, she was staring down at her partner's lifeless body, a bullet wound tearing through his head.

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