Snowed In

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[Synopsis: The Christmas party on Polus is going to be in a few days. EVERYONE is gonna be there, and it's going to be their biggest shindig yet...But the excitement can wait. Right now, all MrEgg wants to do is spend some quality time with Ria.]

[Location: MrEgg's house]


"The doorbell...I hope that's her..."

Before MrEgg ran to answer the door, he tossed another log into the fireplace, fluffed a couple of the cushions on the chairs and took one more glance at the lights and tree to make sure everything was in order...Nothing was amiss from what he could see, so with all of that settled, he hurried over to the door and opened it...He flinched at the cold blast of air from outside, but quickly regained his composure once he saw the lime-clad figure standing there, wrapped in nothing more than a thin mint green jacket and a fuzzy blue hat over her signature bandana.

"Ria, you're finally here!" he sighed with relief. "This storm came out of nowhere, I was starting to worry...! Here, come in, love, you'll freeze half to death out there."

He lead her inside and shut the door...She was shaking from head to toe.

"Here, let me take your hat and jacket. They look rather damp," he remarked. Ria nodded in agreement, peeling the hat and coat off of herself and handing them to MrEgg, who promptly hung them up on the coat rack then started leading her into the living room.


Ria's visor sparkled when she saw what he'd done with the place; garlands of pine branches trimmed the living room walls, and there was either a wreath or bow on every door. There was a pair of crimson stockings hanging from the mantel, each with one of their names on it, and the fireplace beneath it crackled as it warmed the house...And then she spied the Christmas tree in the corner of the living room, covered from top to bottom with tinsel, lights, and red and gold ornaments, a shimmering silver star placed on its very top.

"...This is amazing," she marveled.

"Well, I did what I could," MrEgg blushed. "I just didn't want the place to be a mess when you got here."

"You really know how to decorate, don't you?"

"I try..."

They made their way over to the fireplace, and Ria sighed contently as she sat in one of the big chairs by the hearth, practically melting into it.

"How about you warm yourself up by the fire while I make us each a cup of tea?" MrEgg offered. "And if you don't mind, I'm sure there's enough space where you're seated for one more to squeeze in."

"Aww, I was thinkin' the same thing right about now!" Ria smiled. "That really sounds perfect."

"I couldn't agree more...Lemon ginger, with a touch of honey?"

"You...remembered my favorite?"

"I could never forget...I won't be long, love."

He ran from the living room to the kitchen in a flash and started to prepare the beverages...Ria had only ever mentioned her favorite kind of tea in an offhand comment during a conversation. She said it tasted like heaven in a cup, especially whenever she was feeling under the weather...That'd been a good three months ago, but still he remembered. MrEgg was one to remember the small details when it came to things; he appreciated the little things in life quite a lot, since the big picture throughout most of his early years wasn't quite so pleasant. Even when it'd taken a turn in his favor, he still rarely took anything for granted.

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