Poached Legs

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[SYNOPSIS: In an attempt to impress one of his brother's closest friends, Sheldon invites TheGentleman over to his flat for a nice meal! But when things in the kitchen go REALLY south, can Sheldon still manage to make this an unforgettable luncheon?]

[LOCATION: Sheldon's flat]

I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself with this one...


Sheldon took a peek at the clock on the wall and stiffened a bit where he sat. 2:00, on the nose. TheGentleman would be here any minute now, and he hoped to make a good first impression on the charcoal-garbed bean.

"Sure glad I was able to get that smoked ribeye on sale," he said to himself. "Mmm...I can smell it all the way from the living room."


His doorbell rang, and the burnt orange crewmate hopped up to answer it. He readjusted his coral-colored tie and dusted off the suit he's chosen for today one more time before peering through the peephole to see if his company was here...Surely enough, it was the familiar figure in twin top hats, so Sheldon hastily opened up the door for him.

"Well Sheldon, I made it," TheGentleman said to him flatly. "DESPITE your directions."

"Ahh, TheGentleman. Welcome," the burnt orange crewmate greeted him warmly. "I hope you're prepared for an unforgettable luncheon!"


The black-colored crewmate made his way into the flat, carrying a bottle of Merlot with him in an ice bucket. Sheldon pulled out a chair for him in the dining room, and TheGentleman accepted his gesture and placed the glass bottle in the center of the small table. The burnt orange bean rose his forefinger to indicate he would be right back, then made his way through the kitchen door to see if the roast was ready.

...Only to be met with a massive black cloud shrouding the room!

He gasped, coughing a bit as he went to open the oven, and was met with a roast that was FAR past the point of well done. Flames spurted from the grease settling in the pan and further singed the already black top of the cut.

"Oh, egads! My roast is ruined!!"

Sheldon was ready to panic; this was supposed to be his magnum opus, and he didn't have anything else to serve for lunch! He slumped over, staring mindlessly out the kitchen window.

...And there, not too far from his flat, he spied it. The newly-built Wing-Chester location just a jog's distance away. They had fried chicken out the wazoo! Not to mention their famous side dish: roasted chestnuts in olive oil.

"But what if...I were to purchase fast food and disguise it as my own cooking? Ho, ho, ho, ho..." he chuckled to himself. "Delightfully devilish, Sheldon!"

He flipped the window open, removed his baking mits, and then stuck a foot out the window in preparation to sneakily pop out and then pop back in with some edible food.


...Only to be met with TheGentleman entering the kitchen and beholding him in such a ridiculous pose.

"Oh! TheGentleman!" Sheldon greeted him as though nothing was wrong. "I was just, eh...stretching my calves on the windowsill! Isometric exercise. Care to join me?"

"...Why is there smoke coming out of your oven, Sheldon?"

"Um, de-OH!  That isn't smoke, it's steam! Steam from the poached eggs we're having! Mmmmm...Poached eggs!"

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