Pumpkin Spice

368 8 55

[SYNOPSIS: All Ninja wants to do is sit in the peaceful café and enjoy his black coffee...Unfortunately, a group of his female friends have plans at the exact same place.]

[LOCATION: Moonbean Coffee Co.(original café name, do not steal. ☕)]

do pardon the silliness of this one. 😂


The sky above was covered in a sheet of silvery grey, blocking out the warmth of the sun that had been so much stronger only a month ago. The broad leaves of the oaks and maples that grew along the sides of the streets glowed striking shades of russet, gold and aubergine, swaying in the gentle breeze, and some even leaving their branches to glide in it before floating softly to the ground...Autumn had finally arrived, and after a particularly brutal summer, the town was more than glad to welcome the cool season.

As the breeze rolled by and carried its patches of warm colors, a violet figure strolled down the sidewalk, crimson scarf rippling gently in the light wind along with the strings of his byzantium headband. He took in a deep breath and savored the sweet, earthy scent of the falling leaves in the cold air, and when he released his breath he swore he saw it in a puff of vapor before his eyes. Ninja's eyebrows raised at the sight of it; was it really that cold, or was it just his mind indulging in his autumnal bliss? Well, whatever it was, he loved it all the same. Fall was always his favorite season, after all.

After what felt like too short of a walk, Ninja finally made it to his destination; Moonbean Coffee Co. This particular establishment had only been open for six weeks or so, but it was already garnering a lot of attention from the locals; it was a Canada-based company, and this was one of it's first locations to be opened in the States, so it had to be good if it was able to expand down here.

...Ninja knew that much. And since he'd already been here thrice before, he knew full well that was true.

As he entered through the spinning glass doors, the cool air turned a bit warmer, and he was obliged to take off his scarf and hang it on one of their coatracks along the entrance. The warm, nutty smell of coffee beans roasting behind the counter entered his nose and enticed him, beckoning Ninja to come over like a seductive Jorōgumo luring in its prey. To Ninja's delight, the line was very short today, with only two people in front of him and one of them already receiving his order. He only had to wait perhaps another minute more before he was able to approach the counter.

"Ahh, Ninja. Good to see you again," the barista greeted him, easily recognizing his stark violet exosuit and slightly darker headpiece. "Same as usual?"

"はい," he nodded as he pulled out his card.

"Thought so. That'll be $3.54...Guessing you don't want your receipt?"

He shook his head no as he paid. The barista, 'Steven' according to his nametag, had gotten somewhat well-acquainted with Ninja over the past month, so he already had half an idea on what he would request.

"Thanks, Ninja. You're order #84. Take a seat and make yourself at home."

With a light bow to the barista and a spring in his step, Ninja did just that. He eyed up a small empty table not far from the counter and right beside a window, making his way over and taking a seat in one of the small, padded wooden chairs and folding his hands on the table.

"#83, your order is done," he heard the barista say from where he sat. Good, his order would be ready sooner than he expected. Not that he was in a rush, though...It was hard to feel rushed in a place like this, after all. The fragrant smells, the deep reddish color of the wooden interior, the warm lighting, the electric fireplace crackling in the center of the establishment...It was all very relaxing.

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