Llamas with Hats

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[Synopsis: BDay takes his buddy Sheriff to a travelling petting zoo. Things seem to be going alright...until the two llamas start to make mischief.]

[Location: A petting zoo, duh. 😂]


"I cannot believe I let you talk me into somethin' like this," Sheriff muttered to the blue crewmate beside him as they approached the fenced area.

"Oh, come on, Sheriff!" BDay said to him. "The Ranch Bros. Travelling Exotic Petting Zoo only comes once every two years! Besides, I thought you loved farm animals!"

"Yeah, but isn't this kinda thing mainly for kids?"

"Nope! Read the flyers, and it said that it'll captivate any adult just as much! It's not just farm animals they have, either! They've got stuff like camels and deer, too! When I took Rose here the day before yesterday, she was mesmerized!"

The tan crewmate hummed thoughtfully as they approached the gates to the petting zoo. Since BDay was the one treating his companion, he took it upon himself to pay for both of them, and they each got a plastic cup of mixed oats, corn and pellets to feed some of the animals with.

"Come on, Sheriff! You'll have a blast, I promise!"

BDay eagerly lead the way through the open gate, Sheriff following a bit less ecstatically.

"Now, you look like someone who's got a thing for animals! Bet you'll enjoy yourself!" the cashier said to him as he walked passed. Sheriff tipped his ten-gallon hat forward on his head, shielding the embarrassed pink blush on his face as he walked into the pen full of animals...Even in spite of BDay's reassurance, he felt so childish going in here.

"Sheriff, look! This mini goat still remembers me!"

He looked up to see BDay already interacting with one of the animals in the pen: a salt-and-pepper-coated pygmy goat kid no bigger than a small dog was romping around him, making tiny little bleating noises.

"You've met this one before?"

"Sure did! Look how friendly he is!"


Sheriff bent down to get a better look at the baby goat, and saw that it was eyeing his food cup.

"What? You hungry?"

As though to respond, the kid bleated at him, looking right at the tan clad crewmate with its big blue eyes. Sheriff decided not to disappoint it, and he tipped the cup slightly forward, making sure it was low enough for the goat to reach, with it being so tiny...The kid stuck its snout into the cup and started munching away, and Sheriff kept it like that for a few more seconds before gently pulling away.

"A'ight, that's enough," he said to it. "Hungry, ain'tcha?"


"Figured you'd say something like-"

Out of nowhere, Sheriff felt a hot puff of air shoot right into the back of his neck, sending a startled shiver down his spine as he tensed up.

"Uhh, Sheriff...Looks like someone else smells your food," BDay said to him, not seeming particularly alarmed.

The tan crewmate slowly turned his head around, and quickly found himself face-to-face with a grey-coated, equine face. At first, he thought he was looking at some kind of small horse, but then he noticed the long ears.


The intrigued smile fell from Sheriff's face; he'd had a pretty unpleasant experience with a donkey before, and even though this one was far to small to trample him, that didn't stop it from bringing back bad memories...BDay, however, didn't know of said memories, and thought his friend was merely surprised.

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