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[Synopsis: Sunsets always look absolutely spectacular when viewed from such a high elevation. It's no surprise that the resident couples enjoy them so much...As well as those who are now single.]

[Location: MIRA HQ]


"Alright, last one! No asteroids are gonna be closing in on us today..."

Engineer stepped away from the satellite laser; all of the incoming asteroids on the radar had been successfully eliminated, and it'd been his last task for the day, so he could finally head back to his bunk...But before he could turn around and head back into the Cafeteria, his eyes fell upon the skyscape out yonder.


The layer of towering cumulus clouds hiding the ground far below stretched out far beyond the horizon, vaguely resembling some sort of fantastical mountain range. The setting sun seemed to nestle itself within the deep violet peaks, highlighting their edges a bright orange, and the sky just above the horizon where the sun shone was a bright shade of gold, which faded into pink, then purple, then blue the further Engineer looked up...It was only when he had his head tilted all the way back that he began to notice the stars way up high, ever so slowly becoming brighter with each passing moment.

"This is spectacular..." he breathed. "Man, I gotta show this to-!"

"Engie? You in here?"

Gnome. She'd decided to show up at the perfect time.

"Oh, there you are! I was starting to think-"

"Gnome. Come here, check this out," the purple crewmate interrupted, motioning for her to stand next to him along the edge of the railing...Her eyes bugged out more the longer she stared at the amazing skyscape.

"...Whoa," she whispered. "That...that's amazing."

"I was just about to come get you. I didn't want you to miss something like this."

"Something like what?"

A third voice came from behind them, entering through the sliding doors. They both turned to see Captain and Dum walking in and heading to the weather measurer, hand in hand.

"Oh. Hey, you two," Engineer answered. "The sunset. Check it out!"

"Hang on," Captain replied. "Dum just has to measure the weather really quick..."

It didn't take long for the readings from the weather balloons to come in, and the moment the task was complete, the white and pink crewmates turned their attention towards the horizon, their visors slowly widening as they took in more and more of the scenery.

"Holy moly...Would you look at that!" Captain gushed. "I haven't seen a sunset so magnificent in...well...ever, I don't think!"

"Me neither," Dum rasped. "It's beautiful..."

"What's going on out here?"

A fifth voice made itself present from behind.

"Yeah. Why the crowd, huh?"

And a sixth.

The two couples pulled their eyes off the skyscape again to face Player and Veteran, who had noticed the crowd on the balcony.

"Oh, hey, little bro!" Dum smiled. "You two need to take a look at this sunset! It's incredible!"


The red and yellow crewmates squeezed in between the two pairs and stared out into the distance.

"Whoooaaa..." they both said at once.

Some Fluffy Among Us Logic One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now