HEADCANON PHOBIAS (again, not a chapter, sorry, but there's an explanation)

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Soooo, here's the deal. My tablet is currently suffering from an issue called "ghost touch," and it's always selecting spots I'm not pressing, which makes drawing difficult(because the lines keep getting screwed up and such) But I was able to get most of the art for the next dump finished before this started happening, so while it may still take some time before I get them all ready and published, it's coming along. In the meantime, how 'bout some more random headcanons? This time exclusively in the form of phobias the characters have! Enjoy!


PLAYER: Chilopodophobia-fear of centipedes. This was established in my previous headcanon list, and has since been used in a one-shot. Whenever he sees one, he either freezes in horror, screams and panics, starts to cry, or all of the above in that order. He isn't bothered by millipedes, though, since they're slower, cuter and they don't bite.

VETERAN: Spheksophobia-fear of wasps. Whenever he sees even just one come near him, he books it out of there, no matter the situation. He, Gnome and Engineer could be enjoying a nice game of frisbee golf one moment, and the next moment, the latter two could be chasing after him calling for him to come back as he makes a mad dash out of the park after seeing a yellow jacket.

CAPTAIN: Astraphobia-fear of thunder and lightning. He HATES thunderstorms, and whenever one hits, he tries to distract himself from the storm by reading, talking to his friends or taking Charlie out of his tank. Unfortunately, it doesn't always work, especially if the storm is really bad. If it's a really big storm with LOTS of loud thunder and bright lightning, he piles all of his stuffed animals on his bed, gets under the covers and snuggles with them to try and make himself feel better, but he usually ends up crying in fear anyways.

DUM: Ophidiophobia-fear of snakes, mainly larger or venomous species. Not all snakes apply to Dum's fear(e.g. smaller nonvenomous snakes like ribbon or garter snakes, and Captain's ball python, Charlie,) but she hates going into the reptile exhibit at zoos where all of the large and venomous snakes like boas and cobras are, and she won't swim in lakes or rivers because she has vivid imaginations of being bitten by a cottonmouth if she were to do so.

MRCHEESE: Autophobia-fear of isolation. MrCheese is an extrovert by nature, and was always around other people growing up for nearly all day and everyday throughout his childhood, so he's not used to being all alone at all. Whenever he's at the house by himself for some reason, he's always afraid TheGentleman might abandon him there for some unknown reason, or something might happen to one of them while they're apart. He tries to cope by talking to his friends on the phone or through chat the entire time he's by himself, but it still doesn't quite feel the same, and more often than not, they eventually have to hang up...Not even Cheddar can help much, since he's specifically starved for human company, and eventually he'll curl up on the floor by himself, shaking and probably crying.

THEGENTLEMAN: Claustrophobia-fear of cramped or confined spaces. He tries to suppress and face this fear as much as he can on a daily basis to try and eliminate it(going into elevators whenever possible over the stairs, closing closet doors while cleaning them or looking for things in them, spending some extra time in the decontamination and storage rooms on Polus or at MIRA HQ, etc.) But doing so does make him more jumpy and irritable. He once had a nightmare about being locked in a continuously shrinking box, waking up just when it seemed like he would be crushed...It took an hour for MrCheese to finally get him to stop crying.

MREGG: Pistanthrophobia-fear of being betrayed or otherwise hurt by a romantic partner. Obviously spawned from his experiences with TheGentleman and MrCheese, and is the main reason why he held back so much when he had his eye on Ria. He ultimately took several steps in overcoming this fear, however, and while it hasn't completely gone away yet, it fades a little more day by day, especially whenever the two are together.

ENGINEER: Athazagoraphobia-fear of losing his memories and being forgotten himself. Part of why he strives so much to be the best he can be in both his professional and personal lives is because he wants to make a lasting impact on the world and people around him, and be remembered for as long as possible when he's gone. He also fears that he might somehow lose his memories in a lab accident, or by means of a head injury; he has a lot of pleasant memories, and the last thing he wants is to forget about the times he and Gnome spent together, so when on the job, he's extremely careful about operating heavy machinery(this goes for automobiles too,) and always makes sure his head and face are well-protected.

GNOME: Pyrophobia-fear of fire. It spawns less from traumatic experience and more from the imminent fear of what could go wrong around it. She doesn't go anywhere near campfires, lit fireplaces or grills out of fear she might trip and get badly burnt somehow; she doesn't even like candles being lit on birthday cakes. Engineer tries to reassure her on the matter, since he works with flames on occasion, but nothing he's said so far really helps.

MOTHER: Dystychiphobia-fear of accidents or having an accident. Mainly spawns from her protective nature when it comes to her children and other crewmembers, as well as concern for what might happen to her loved ones if anything were to ever happen to her. She's extra careful when going up or down stairs and ladders, and she drives defensively when on the road.

POOPYFARTS96: Cynophobia-fear of dogs. He had a bad experience with a Rottweiler that'd gotten loose from its owner's yard when he was very young, not long after his mother died, and he ended up being chased up a tree. What makes matters worse for him is that dogs seem to be attracted to him(well...dogs do eat poo sometimes, so it makes sense, lmao...) and whenever one comes near him, he starts to sweat and might end up having a panic attack. MrCheese and his dog Cheddar happen to know about this fear, and want to help him overcome it, but aren't really sure how.

STONER: Agoraphobia-fear of stressful or embarrassing situations. This is part of why he's always on something; to keep himself calm in dire situations and get things that might worry him off his mind. But his "self-medication" takes a bit of a toll on his health too, so it's kind of a vicious cycle.

BRO: Arachibutyrophobia-fear of having peanut butter stick to the roof of your mouth...Yes, this is an actual phobia, and it spawned from one fateful day in second grade when Bro nearly choked to death on the glob of peanut butter from a Reece's peanut butter cup because of such an occurrence. The lunch lady was able to save his life via the Heimlich maneuver and a drink of water, but not his reputation; from then on he went from the cool guy/bully hybrid to 'the peanut butter cup kid,' and from then on, he's avoided eating peanut butter altogether. Not only does he not want to nearly choke to death again, but he also doesn't want to humiliate himself like that again.

NINJA: Atychiphobia-fear of failure. Part of the reason Ninja is so good at everything that he does is that he feels he HAS to be; his parents always set the bar very high for him, and he has no intentions of letting it fall down even a single notch anytime soon. And he considers anything less than his best dishonorable, no matter the situation, and every time he fails at something, he goes home to train more...Due to his constant efforts to better himself, Ninja suffers from anxiety and mild sleep deprivation, despite always seeming level-headed. He takes his frustrations out on his training dummies, and meditates daily to try recollecting his thoughts, but it's barely enough to keep up with his constant training and studying.


Hey, and same as the last headcanon list. If you wanna see any of these headcanons get made into full-blown fics, tell me, because it gives me a premise.

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