Triple Threat

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[Synopsis: Ever since Player started to genuinely return Captain's friendship, the latter and Veteran have been quarrelling over the spot as his best friend...Fortunately, Player has come to his own conclusion on the matter. One that will(hopefully) bring about peace between them all.]

[Location: Polus Outpost]


When Player spawned into the dropship, he looked a bit contemplative, hanging his head low and tapping his fingers together thoughtfully...The last few days hadn't been that great between him, Veteran and Captain. Particularly between the latter two. They'd started up their "who's Player's real best friend?" war again, and things were getting more and more tense between them. Yes, Veteran had been his best friend for longer, and he still considered him as such, but he'd since grown more fond of Captain as well, and he was at about the same spot as Veteran on his friend list...that spot being the one at the very top. But they knew that just as well as he did, and they didn't care for the other occupying a space in Player's life that they felt they should each have all to themselves...He wasn't sure what to do about it.

As a matter of fact, he could hear them arguing from the other end of the dropship at that very moment.

"Nuh-uh, NOOO way. That was MrCheese who said that, not Player. He'd never just kick me to the curb like that. Especially when I knew him first."

"But he said it to my face! He said that he knew he was my best friend! If you don't believe me you can ask him!"

"Psh, yeah, I'll ask him. Then I'll find out you're full o' crap."

"Really! Huh! And you think you can get away with saying things like that to me, do you, Veteran?"

"Ohh, tough guy now, are we?"

When Player saw them raise their fists at one another, he finally stood up from where he was seated, stormed over to them, placed himself in between them and shoved them apart.

"Would you guys just stop fighting!?" he snapped at them. "You've been at each other's throats for three days! Both of you need to knock it off!!"

They didn't respond. They just looked at Player, then at each other, then at him again, a bit startled by his outburst...The red crewmate sighed deeply, then spoke again.

"Look...I consider you BOTH to be my best friends. But I'm getting a little tired of this rivalry you two have over who's better. Can you two at least try to put that aside and be nice to each other? I know you both get along with me, but if you're always fighting with one another, do you really think that's gonna be good for any of us?"

"...Guess not," Veteran grumbled.

"Just make an effort, okay?" Player said to them. "I don't like seeing you guys fight with each other, it...It's been making me upset."

"Oh my God, I...I had no idea," Captain replied. "I'm sorry we upset you, Player. I-I'll try to make things right."

"Thank you...Now how about we start up the game?"

"Sure thing, Player! Lock and load, everyone! And remember! This going to be a THREE Impostor game, so everyone stay on their toes!"

The countdown began, and soon enough, Player found his role screen coming up.

Oh, sweet! I'm an Impostor! he said to himself. Who are my teammates?

He looked to either side of him...And his eyes widened in surprise when he found Veteran and Captain standing there.

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