Friendship is the Best Medicine

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[Synopsis: Player has the flu, so the gang decides to take a break from the game to visit him for a while. Captain is especially eager to help him feel better, and he plans to go about it the way he knows best.]

[Location: Player's house]

Would you believe that most of this was done before anyone even asked me about writing something like this? XD


"Dang, you two. I didn't suspect a thing."

MrEgg and Ria had really held their own as the Impostors that round; nobody had the slightest idea it was them until it was too late, and they won via a well-coordinated double kill in Medbay.

"Ha! EGG-cellent work there, Ria! You didn't hold anything back against Captain, did you?"

"Aww, come on, you're the one who came up with the plan!"

"Ha ha, well, I do have a few tricks up my sleeve, I suppose..."

"私は自分のスキルのいくつかに追いつく必要があります," Ninja remarked, shaking his head shamefully. "私はそこで自分を馬鹿にしました..."

"Whatever Ninja said, I gotta admit, MrEgg's right." Captain agreed. "Good game...I kinda wish Player had been part of it, though. He missed some good stuff."

"Yeah, it's weird," Veteran nodded. "Like, what's the hold up? He should've been online almost an hour ago."

"Yes, that is abnormal...Why don't you give him a call and see what's happening on his end?" TheGentleman suggested to him.

"Good idea. Hang on, I'll see if I can get ahold of him..."

He stepped away from the crowd, grabbed his phone, pulled up his contacts, selected Player's name and waited for him to pick up...One ring...Two...Three... Finally, the fourth ring stopped short, and he was met with his best friend's voice.


It was SUPPOSED to be, at least. But the voice on the other end was barely recognizable.

"Is that you, Player?"

"Y-yeah, Veteran...It's m-me."

"Dude, what happened? You sound like you tried to swallow a cheese grater."

"I'm sick..."

"Oh..." Veteran paused. "I, uh...I'm sorry to hear that. No wonder you're not showin' up."

"S-sorry I didn't call earlier t-to tell you. I've b-been trying to sleep most of the day s-so far."

"Sounds bad..."

"It is-"

Player was interrupted by a coughing fit, and Veteran winced...He didn't just sound bad; he almost sounded like he was DYING(hopefully not literally, though.)

 "It is bad..." he whimpered. "Y-you'd think a bad cough and fever w-would be the worst of it, b-but my stomach's acting up too. I c-can't keep anything down, and it's just so awful, I just wanna f-feel better..."

He coughed again and groaned, sounding like he was on the verge of tears.

"Hey. Take it easy there, compadre," he said to him, his rough voice a bit softer than usual. "Sounds to me like you could use some cheering up...Think you're up for a visit?"

"Y-you wanna come see me...?"

"Sure; wouldn't some company be nice if you're gonna be cooped up in your room all day?"

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