Duncan's Ghosts

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[Synopsis: Come one, come all, gather round the fireplace to hear this holiday tale about a greedy old cultist who, on Christmas Eve, gets visited by three mysterious spirits. Will he learn to change his crooked ways? And...will he even be given that second chance?]

[Location: Duncan's gadget shop & home]

Mild TW: Some disturbing elements of gore towards the end

(see above)


In a remote corner of the city of Crewville, not too far away from the Crewmate Community College, there stood a small shop which was run by an old man named Duncan. In spite of its small size, Duncan's store wasn't particularly well-known or successful, but it raked in a pretty decent buck for him; gadgets of his caliber were hard to come by, and only cost ever so slightly less than anything with a fancy name brand, which summoned plenty of eager-to-pay bargain hunters. But it did no good in lifting his spirits, for Duncan was just as mean and greedy as he was rich.

On this particular night, there was a thick quilt of snow on the ground. It was the night before Christmas, and one of Duncan's newest hires, Dum, was busy sweeping the floor in preparation for closing time.

...All of a sudden, the handle of her broom knocked up against an open laptop displayed on a shelf, and the device fell to the floor and shattered before her.

"GAH! O-oh no!"

Duncan, who was in his office counting his money, heard the commotion and came stomping out onto the sales floor to see what his klutz of an employee had done. When he saw the broken computer, his coal-colored face went deep red with anger.

"Look what you've done, you clumsy oaf! I'd just gotten done modifying that this evening!"

"I-I'm sorry, Mr. Duncan, sir. I, uh...I might know someone who can fix it for you!"

"No, no, no. No one except for ME can fix them the proper way I want them...I'll have to take it out of your paycheck."

"My paycheck? But...but it's Christmas Eve, Mr. Duncan. A-and that thing was almost as much as I make here in a week! How will I be able to pitch in to help feed my family tomorrow!?"

"Not my problem! Christmas Eve, oh bah-humbug. You should've thought of that before you decided to bust my precious merchandise. Now get back to work, I don't pay you to slack off."

"You're hardly gonna pay me at all..."

"Just get back to work, you-!"

Knock knock knock

"...Oh, who could THAT be now? I'm going to be closing in two minutes. Whoever that is better make it quick!"

The old man made his way over to the door, shaking his head at the apparent lack of manners coming from whoever was on the other side. He opened the door, and rose his eyebrow in confusion when he saw the brown-clad stranger standing there, a set of round fuzzy ears on his head and a cup of change in his outstretched hand.

"Good evening, sir! Um, I'm going around town collecting donations for the Crewville Cancer Treatment Center. All funds go directly into developing treatments and giving our patients adequate care! It especially means a lot to us during the holidays, believe me. Would you happen to have any spare funds for this cause?"

Duncan looked down into the metal can of assorted currency the crewmate had in hand...A smug, greedy grin spread across his face.

"Cancer donations, ey? Don't mind if I do."

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