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[SYNOPSIS: In deciding what to get Gnome for Valentine's Day, Engineer goes...a bit wild picking things out.]

[LOCATION: The store...And Gnome & Engineer's house.]

This one's kinda short since I wanted it out by now and I'm a bit strapped for time due to company being at our house and work. But I accomplished what I wanted with this, so I hope you enjoy! ^v^


"Let's see, let's see...uh...Ghee whiz, there's a lot to pick from, huh?"

Engineer's eyes scanned slowly around the isle trying to pinpoint something special. Almost every box of chocolates was some shade of red or pink, so he had to look over each one individually to pick them out of the crowd...There were a lot of new things to choose from this year; the extra fancy larger boxes had just gone on clearance due to the holiday being tomorrow, so that was convenient.

"Not like that's a concern, though," he chuckled. "That raise sure has me feeling good still...Hello, what's this?"

He spied something he didn't recognize; chocolates with donut crème filling?  Well, Gnome loved donuts. Maybe not as much as some of their other friends, but she was probably in third or fourth place in the run for the lobby's biggest donut fanatic.

"Well, hello there," he smirked. "Why don't I put you in my basket? You're just..."

...He trailed off when he spied something else. It was another mug on the shelf just to the right of the first one. But this one didn't have some lovey-dovey Valentine's Day sap on it; this one had a bunch of garden gnomes paired with the phrase "Chillin' with my Gnomies" displayed across it. THAT was definitely more her style.

"Wow...Just my luck, huh? Why don't I stick you next to the donut crème box? And...Well, come on. How could I not? Oh, shoot! And I still have to pick out a card, too! Uhh, which one, which one...?"

He finally opted for one of the really big red ones; it was cut in the shape of a heart, trimmed with lace and had a hummingbird embroidered across the front.

"...Y'know, this would actually look really nice by the kitchen window," he mused, knowing that was where one could ALSO look outside and see the hummingbirds at their feeder. "Speaking of which, that reminds me. I'm pretty sure I saw a nice t-shirt with a hummingbird on it in the front isle!"

And off he went to fill his basket with yet ANOTHER gift for his beloved...But not before passing the party section and spying some beautiful pink and spring green streamers on display there.

"A touch of color wouldn't hurt. Oooh, and are those party poppers on sale!?  What a bargain...!"





"Ugh...whuh...? Oh."

It took Gnome a few moments to register the sound of her alarm going off, and a few more to muster the will to stretch and rise up in bed. When she finally pried her eyes open and looked to her right, she saw that Engineer was absent from the spot beside her, his covers flung off as though he'd gotten up in a hurry...She groaned. She hadn't seen him since right before he left to go run errands yesterday at 4:00. What the heck was he doing up this early? And on Valentine's Day, nonetheless?

Some Fluffy Among Us Logic One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now