Lazy Morning

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[Synopsis: MrEgg and Ria decide to catch a few extra winks one morning...Eventually, however, someone comes along to disrupt their peace.]

[Location: MrEgg & Ria's home]


It was a particularly quiet Saturday morning. The normally colorful dawn was hidden behind a sheet of stratus, and most of the birds that were usually singing by then we're still in their nests, sensing an approaching shower.

Some may have found the atmosphere gloomy, but to some of the residents in the coastal suburb, it was serene and relaxing.

It happened that the sun managed to peek through the cloudy morning ever so slightly, and it shined into the bedroom window of one of the houses and hit the visor of a snoozing marigold crewmate, who wore an egg in his head sunny side up and a set of matching pyjamas. He stirred slightly at the uncomfortable sensation of the light hitting his closed eyes and pried them open just a tad. Squinting to keep the sun from bothering his eyes any more, he shifted, reached out towards the shutter and closed the blinds, grateful that the window was close enough to his bedside to adjust without having to leave his cozy cocoon of pillows and sheets.

Now comfortable again, MrEgg rolled over onto his other side, his slightly blurry vision coming into focus as he processed the figure beside him.

...The lime crewmate to his right was facing him, still sound asleep and unbothered by his jostling around in bed, a look of serenity on her face.

The orange figure smiled...Just knowing he was with her, he felt like the luckiest chap on the block.

MrEgg scooted closer, then wrapped his arms around her and drew her right up to him, his visor brushing her cheek. In spite of his attempts to be quiet, that was enough to rouse Ria from her slumber, and she shifted slightly where she lay before opening her on eyes and looking into his.

She breathed out the slightest bit of a laugh, and a sleepy grin spread across her own face.

"...Morning, Eggy."

"Good morning, love," he greeted back, tilting his head back and pressing a soft kiss against her forehead. "Sleep well?"

"I dunno...'m still tired."

"Hmm...Me too. Yesterday was busy for both of us, wasn't it?"

"Yeah...Good thing we don't have to be anywhere today."

MrEgg nodded lightly, and the two nuzzled further into each other. Ria pulled the blankets over the two of them slightly more.

"Care to sleep in, love?"

"Don't mind if I do," she agreed, sighing contently and holding onto MrEgg herself. "...Love you."

"I love you, too..."

They stayed like that for a long time, nearly falling all the way back into sleep...But before either of them had the chance to, MrEgg felt something at the end of the mattress. At first, he brushed it off as his imagination, or perhaps something he'd left on the bed the previous night, but then he heard it make a sound.


He reluctantly rose his head up from the pillow to see a familiar blue-grey figure sitting there, its brassy eyes staring right at him.

"Oh," he remarked, giggling slightly. "Hello, George."


Ria was the next to lift her head, and she blinked a few times when she saw the young British Shorthair sitting at the end of the bed looking at them. She managed a bit of a laugh herself and greeted him as well.

"Hi, George. What's the matter, you hungry?"

"He might be," MrEgg figured, turning over onto his back in bed and sitting upright, stretching his stubby legs and toes out a bit. "I might have to get up and feed him, but I'll come back as soon-"

He stopped when he noticed that George's eyes had gone big, and he was staring down at where MrEgg's feet ended.

"...What?" he asked him, as though he'd respond. "Is there something about my feet that you find-AH!"

Before he could finish, the kitten leaped out and pounced on his quilt-covered feet.

"Oh, gracious, George!"

Before they even realized it, the two crewmates were wheezing up a storm.

"I need to get your claws trimmed, I can feel them through the covers!"

"Hang on, lemme see if he does it to me," Ria said to him, moving her own feet around beneath the quilt and sheets. George's pupils dilated again, reducing his brassy irises to a thin line, then his hind end rose and shook slightly; a sign that he was preparing to pounce again.

"Here he goes..." Ria whispered.

Then, in spite of their anticipation, he caught them off guard with his sudden leap and pounce, and they laughed again.

"He sure is a character, isn't he love?"

"Ah man, w-we gotta show the guys this some time."

"Agreed," MrEgg nodded. "Ah...Well, I'll get up to give him his breakfast, then I'll come right back and we can get back to where we were before."

"Hurry back, Eggy, I'm gonna miss your cuteness."

"You won't miss me for long, love," he assured her as he got up out of bed and hurried out of their room, George tailing behind him.

...Barely a minute passed before he returned, and with George fed, the couple hunkered back down into the covers and snuggled up...Today was to be a day of rest and relaxation.


i've had this idea stuck in my head for a few days now and ik it's a bit short, but tbh, i'm just glad i got it written and out. ^v^

now, as i mentioned before, this book is sort of going on a hiatus for a bit; i need to get my energy back up and have a proper cooling system put in my workspace if i'm going to be able to write properly again, so this is probably going to be the last chapter for a little while, depending on where that situation leads.

but i've still got quite a few ideas down for the future(courtesy of some of you fine people :3) so i'll see you guys next time, and hopefully in the somewhat near future. :D

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