A Carnival Caper

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[Synopsis: Engineer and Gnome announce their plans to have a date at an annual fall carnival to the lobby. But the next thing they know, it's turned into a TRIPLE date! One with a...seventh wheel.]

[Location: The carnival, duh.]

TW: SrQueso is present in the beginning segment. AC, scroll down just past the first ellipsis break(the large empty section with just an "..." that I use to insinuate time skips or location changes,) to get in on the action.


"Phew...Good game, fellas!" Captain cheered as he spawned back into the lobby. "Close call, if I do say so myself."

"Bro, did you really have to snipe me RIGHT when the round started?" Player asked one of the losing Impostors.

"Hey, I had to make up for my LAST imp round. And you were the only sucker nearby."

"Fine...At least Angel and I were able to do some decent protecting."

"Yeah, no crap, dude!" Veteran chimed in. "It's no wonder they didn't sus me sooner, because I couldn't get any kills in until it was too late!"

"Glad to know that's why you weren't able to snipe one of us, and try to blame it on the other," Engineer remarked. "Great job catching him shifting, Gnomey."

"As good of a job as ever, Engie," she replied. "...Well everyone, it's been a great couple games. But Engineer and I are gonna be logging off now."

"Yep. We're gonna be attending this year's fall carnival down by the river!"

Player gasped suddenly.

"You mean the Fall River Festival? I LOVE that!"

"Do you really?" Angel asked him. "I've never been. What's it like?"

"Oh, it's only the biggest fall carnival in the history of ever! They've got rides, games, all of the locals come together to sell homemade food, heck they even have a petting zoo!"

"Wow...it sounds like fun!"

"You better believe it's fun," the red crewmate assured her. "Man, you would love it."

...That was when he perked up, visor widening.

"I gotta take you there this year."


"Heck yeah, that's what we've gotta do! Ghee, I...I don't know why you haven't been before."

"Oh, well my parents aren't much ones for big crowds and commotion. Besides, this is usually the time we start getting ready to leave home and go to Ireland; we visit my aunts and uncles every November, and it takes us a while to get everything ready to leave. Housekeepers, passports, documents and such...you know."

"Wow. Sounds like it's gonna be busy for you soon...Will they let you come?"

"Hmmmm..." the banana-clad crewmate hummed thoughtfully. "I might  be able to sway them if I get all of my usual chores done early, AND pack up my suitcase ahead of time. I'll see if I can meet you there this afternoon if that's alright?"

"Ha ha, YES! Sounds great!"

"Hey, whoa, whoa WHOA Player," Dum interrupted him. "What about me? Mom and Dad said that if we were gonna go to the Fall River Festival we should be going together!"

"Oh, yeah. That's right...Uhh...Well I mean, we can still go in  together."


"Hey, hey, hang on there babe!" Captain stepped up. "Why don't I tag along with you, if Player's gonna be busy."

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