Ties That Bond-Part 1: Mistakes were Made

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[Synopsis: Takes place right after AUL 19...What exactly happened after the events of the episode, right when the screen cut to black after Player just stood there fuming? Well, it wasn't pretty...At all. Probably why GameToons cut right to the movie after just four episodes. (Part 1 of a three-shot.)]

[Location: The lobby dropship]

This one is gonna be more angsty than the others I've done so far, but there's still some fluff toward the end. Mild TW: Nothing profane, but Player says some pretty awful things. Not just to Captain, but to the rest of the crew as well. So if you're not keen on reading about Player verbally berating a bunch of people, you've been warned.

EDIT, 12/9/2022: okay, so to clarify, this piece is SUPER old. like, before dr. egg published his first rendition of The Retro Years old, and very coicidental considering what two said stories have in common. and it was never published beforehand because i didn't think i would ever actually do parts two and three, so it's just been sitting here collecting dust for the longest time. XD

i'm gonna try to change that, though, starting now. get ready for a couple throwbacks, everyone...

Oh, and *ahem* "SrQueso" is in this, so TW for our renowned BDay cult leader AverageCat.


"Bestie...You okay?"

"Player...? Why isn't he talking?"

"I dunno, babe. Player! Wake up, buddy!"

He didn't even hear them. All he heard were his own thoughts.

Captain had earned his sister a win in her first match...After he'd foiled Player's chances at winning a SINGLE ROUND time and time again, crewmate or impostor, he gets his SISTER a win in her FIRST MATCH?

It felt like a slap on the face...And the icing on the cake that'd been flung into his face was that the apparent romance blossoming between them.


The thought of the two of them together by itself was unbearable. The fact that it was paired with the fact he earned her that win that made it all the more inconceivable.

But as unimaginable as it was, it'd happened. It was happening right in front of him.

His vision had practically gone as red as the rest of him. His felt the blood rushing to his face, his fists clenching so hard his knuckles cracked.

...That was when Captain took notice to his hands, and finally decided to read the look on his face.


The crewmate in question turned to look at his sister.

"...Jessica. Would you be so kind as to leave game for just a few minutes?"

She gulped. He not only called her by her full first name instead of 'Jessie' or 'Jess' like he normally did, but he'd also used a very formal tone...He only ever spoke like that to her when he was angry.

...EXTREMELY angry.

"Uh...S-sure thing. I have the code, so..."

"What's wrong, Dum?"

She didn't answer her newfound sweetheart. Instead she just gave Captain a sympathetic look before disappearing.

Dum left the game.

Once she was gone, Player slowly turned his head to look at Captain again...If looks could kill, EVERYONE in the lobby would have been dead.

"...You," he hissed through clenched teeth. "I've had to deal with you ever since I GOT here. And the one time you decide to grow half a braincell, you decide to use it to slap me across the face AGAIN?"

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