Home Again

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[Synopsis: Neither of them ever thought that it would ever be the same again. But now here they are, after so long...Home. And they're finally safe, and together once more.]

[Location: A quiet suburb]


The campus buildings and parking lot disappeared behind the vintage black coupe as it pulled into the main road and drove off into the suburbs. The driver looked at the brown-clad figure sitting in the passenger seat beside him; he was still understandably drowsy and disoriented.

"Holding up alright, Aiden?"

"Huh...um...I think so..." he slurred. "...Where are we going?"

"We're going home, son...We're going home."

Dr. Doktor smiled underneath his beak-shaped mask at the sound of his son's voice...For the longest time, he thought he'd never heard it again. Ever since he'd discovered the truth about what had happened, his hopes of his return had slowly dissolved, and over time, he became more and more sure that the beast which had taken him had no intention on setting him free. Yet at the same time, he was in denial over that lost hope, and did as he was told; if he kept his promise to Novisor, he'd get him back. Once it had a new host, it wouldn't need Aiden anymore, and he'd be given back to him...But deep down, he feared the worst. And he'd accepted it.

But then, Novisor's next chosen host stood up to the monster, along with his friends. And against all odds, they claimed victory, and freed all who had been lost. The trapped souls of Player's fallen friends, the hosts from years gone by...Most of the old hosts were too far gone to the ages to have their bodies restored, but their souls had been purified and freed upon the destruction of the beast, and they were finally able to pass on to the next life.

Aiden, however, had not been forgotten to time. And since he was still being used by Novisor at the time of its death, his body was made whole again, and returned to their home world along with his mortal soul.

He appeared on the floor of his old college dorm, just where he'd been standing the moment he was taken away...His old roommate discovered him there upon his return from one of his classes, and word spread quickly about his return...But Dr. Doktor already knew he'd be there, and he arrived on campus when the news had barely begun to get around.

He was alive, and in one piece, but it was obvious he was in no condition to continue his studies, at least for the time being...Needless to say, he'd been granted permission to postpone them so that he could recover.

"A good night's sleep should do you some good," he remarked. "...I can't imagine when the last time was you had one."

"I...I don't know," the brown crewmate replied sluggishly. "...I guess it's been a while."

Aiden felt the car slow down and make a turn, and then it stopped. The engine powered down, and he heard one of the doors opening.

"Are...are we there...?"

"Yes, Aiden. We are...You need some help getting out?"


He heard his own door open, and he slowly turned and pushed himself out of the seat and onto the sidewalk...His knees wobbled upon standing back up, but the figure beside him was already propping him up, and they walked side-by-side to the front door...It wasn't a very big house, despite Dr. Doktor's impressive salary, but it was well cared for and reliable, and Aiden had loved it throughout his entire childhood.

They stepped inside and made their way into the living room...Aiden immediately smelled the fresh, sweet scent of pine the house always seemed to have about it, and a small amount of the fog in his brain began to lift.

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