Silver Linings

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[Synopsis: Everyone has bad days, but some might have more than others...Player knows that first hand, but he had no idea how bad MrEgg had things his whole life. The good news is that the two friends have each other to fall back on when they can't seem to stand on their own anymore. (Featuring MrEgg's massively tragic backstory!)]

[Location: Polus outpost]


"Everyone scatter!"

Captain made his usual order once everyone had inserted their keys in the dropship, the crowd running out into the snow and dispersing...Player hung behind the others, sighing deeply as he turned away from the key slots then trudging out towards the exit at a snail's pace. He knew he had a lot of tasks on his list to complete this round, but he also knew that he was going to lose in the end regardless of whether or not they were done, so why bother even trying?

"Something the matter, Player?"

The red crewmate rose his low-hanging head and turned back around to face the far wall of the dropship; MrEgg was still in there with him, looking like he'd just charted the course back to MIRA HQ. He had a thick wool scarf wrapped around himself, and seemed to shiver a bit as he caught up to Player, both of them finally heading out into the snow.

"Y-you don't look very happy."

"It's fine, MrEgg," he insisted. "Guess I'm just kind of out of it today."

He knew Player wasn't being completely honest, but MrEgg didn't like pressuring people into sharing their thoughts, so he nodded in response.

"Well...Alright. But if you need anyone to talk to, I'll be around."

He headed east towards the lab as Player went west into Electrical. The next thing on Player's list was downloading the data in O2 by the tree, so he headed down the hallway and made the corner into the verdant room...

And caught MrCheese red-handed killing Veteran.

"Oh ho ho, what do we have here?" the orange crewmate remarked when he saw the witness. "I didn't think I was gonna have you voted out and thrown into the lava pit this early on, but I guess I was in for a surprise, huh?"


Player did step into the room, but he simply stepped over Veteran's body like it was nothing to get to the download screen in the back of the room.

"Uh...Player?" MrCheese addressed, looking pretty confused. "You gonna report your best friend's body or what?"

"What for?" he responded dryly. "I already know what's going to happen if I do...You said it yourself."

He booted up the download and stared at the screen as it went through...He wasn't sure why he was prolonging the inevitable by ignoring Veteran's death; he knew he was going to get either killed or ejected at some point this round...Maybe it was just his survival instinct talking.

"Um...Okay, then...Good luck being found with the body and all that. Heh"

MrCheese hopped into the hole in the ground to flee the scene. When Player's download finally finished, he left the tree room and headed out of O2 back into the snow...MrEgg was fixing the weather node just south of the doorway, pulling his scarf around himself a bit tighter as he stood there doing his job. Player didn't say anything to alert him of his presence, though; he just went up into Communications to upload his data.

If I get lucky, I might at least get all my tasks done before I get shot or burned alive, he mused. Maybe I'll make that my goal for the round...

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