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i'm sorry this took so long, i had art block for the longest time, i had no motivation to do this and it was heck trying to find all of the right colored pencils i needed because they all go missing in this household oof  ;-;

Don't be alarmed, but ngl, I think my place in the AUL fandom is beginning to slip. I kinda wanna fix that; I do want to continue doing this and I love what I've done on here. Besides, what I write is better than what Gametoons writes after all at this point. XD

Ah well, at least it's finally finished now.

On to the art!!

So, funny thing; it's a nightmare trying to draw a starry sky scape with colored pencils

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So, funny thing; it's a nightmare trying to draw a starry sky scape with colored pencils. 😂 So I tried making the stars by dotting acrylic paint all over the paper...Well, it came out looking better than it would have with just using the pencils, that's for sure.

"MrCheese, come in the bloody house before you give yourself pneumonia, you nincompoop!"

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"MrCheese, come in the bloody house before you give yourself pneumonia, you nincompoop!"

"I'll come in when I'm weady old man, don't tell me what to do. >:P"




"Now will you listen to me about these kinds of things from now on?"

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"Now will you listen to me about these kinds of things from now on?"

"Yeah...sowwy 'bout this..."

i know that wasn't the actual dialogue i wrote but it honestly fit these two pics pretty well. XD

Okay, so yo know how they say an artist is their own worst critic?

I think this drawing proves my case.

i absolutely hate the way it came out, but at the same time i'm so glad i finally got it done after so long

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i absolutely hate the way it came out, but at the same time i'm so glad i finally got it done after so long. just hope you guys like it more than i do. 😂

i suck at drawing backgrounds on paper

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i suck at drawing backgrounds on paper. 😭

Oh well. Here's the last one!

Out of everything here, this is probably the drawing I'm most proud of

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Out of everything here, this is probably the drawing I'm most proud of.  🤣

Well, that's the art dump! Hope you guys enjoyed-



There's one last thing I want to show you fellas. Over the past two days, I've been getting back into using my computer and drawing tablet...And at the same time, I've been watching one of the newest Netflix cartoons, and I've been getting into it's art style.

So I whipped this up. It's not AUL related, but I'm REALLY HAPPY with how it looks.

Check it out.

ha ha, rubber hose foxy go skrrrt

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ha ha, rubber hose foxy go skrrrt

Okay, NOW you've seen everything I have for now. Hope you guys enjoyed! Might take me a while to upload another story here, but I'll still be around. See you guys later!

Some Fluffy Among Us Logic One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now