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[Synposis: When MrCheese brings Cheddar along to play the round, Ninja begins acting strangely irritable. That evening, when MrCheese decides to visit him in his quarters to see what might be wrong, he finds out that Ninja used to have someone like Cheddar in his life, too...Except he isn't ever coming back.]

[Location: The Skeld]

Note: If you've played Pokémon, and know what a Nuzlocke Challenge is, you should understand all of this. If not, then...Bulbapedia will give you the answers, mkay? A Ninja fluff fic was requested by a few, and I had a headcanon out there to work on if I ever needed story material, so here we go!


"Hey, gang! MrCheese in the house!"

The crew gave MrCheese a warm welcome as he spawned into the lobby. He had said earlier that he was planning on bringing Cheddar with him, so Mother, Stoner and Veteran were keen on formally meeting him for the first time. Player, Captain, and TheGentleman were already acquainted with Cheddar to some degree,(though only the former was really all that fond of him) but they were still wondering what sorts of events might unfold with MrCheese's dog in the picture for today's rounds.

Surely enough, Cheddar was right by his owner's side as they entered the dropship, and he let out an excited bark as he scanned the crew...Veteran was the first one to approach him.

"So, you're MrCheese's executive chef over at Cheese Louis, huh?" he acknowledged. "Nice to see you outside of the job."

Cheddar recognized Veteran as their #1 customer, and was quick to let him know they were on good terms by giving his outstretched hand a friendly lick.

"Heh heh, yeah...Your poocheroni's givin' off some good vibes, bruh," Stoner drawled, a glint of approval in his otherwise tired gaze.

Cheddar curiously eyed Mother's mini crewmates and trotted right over. Timmy cautiously extended a hand for him to inspect, very obviously concerned...But his worries faded when Cheddar moved his head and positioned it right onto his palm, earning him a trusting pat.

"Ohh, look at that, Timmy, he likes you!" Mother encouraged him. "MrCheese, I gotta say, you know how to raise a good dog!"

"Well, it takes a good boy to know one~!" he replied, turning a tad pink at the compliment.

The sound of someone else joining the server sounded off, and a familiar purple figure with a black headband wrapped around his head appeared from a sudden puff of lavender smoke.

"ねえ、久しぶりです. みなさんお元気ですか?"

"Oh, hey there, Ninja!" Player greeted, a bit more excited to see Ninja again as opposed to Cheddar. He and Veteran rushed over to greet him. "It's been a while, hasn't it? How've you been doing?"

"悪くない," he replied, his usually bright and keen eyes looking a tad on the dull side. "でも正直、今日は笑う気がしません."

"Ninja. Gonna be honest with you here," Veteran told him. "I had absolutely no clue what you just said...But judging by the lack of eye contact I'm getting from you right now, it doesn't look like you're in a good mood."

"いいんだよ. あなたは何もしませんでした."

"Wow. It's not my fault you're down in the dumps, man. Don't blame me."

Ninja sighed and rolled his eyes, looking even less amused.

"Are you sure he said something mean to you, Veteran?" Player questioned. He knew that his best friend would occasionally pretend to understand PoopyFarts so he wouldn't feel left out of the conversation, so it wouldn't surprise him if he would try the same with Ninja.

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