It's Not A Phase, Mom!

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[SYNOPSIS: The year is 2015. School is out for summer, and Dum wants to invite her brother to come with her friend group to see this year's blockbuster! Surely, he'd love to come along...or WOULD he? Better make sure he's not too busy brooding first.]

[LOCATION: The Playson Family household]

Based on a headcanon for Player from my first headcanon chapter that I have not utilized until now for some reason. XP


"Ohhh, Player~!"

Dum skipped merrily up the stairs as she called for her brother, feet still marching and tapping the same way they had at her final junior pep rally two weeks ago...It was weird to think, really, that she wouldn't be back to cheerleading until at least late September. And after going through all that practice, all those rallies, and the school's sporting events, the lack of cheering felt almost alien to her.

...Well, the pink crewmate figured she'd at LEAST stay on her toes and do a few exercises a day; she didn't want to be completely rusty for tryouts for her senior  year, after all!

"I got all my chores done early and we have the WHOLE rest of the day to kill, so I'm going to the movies with my friends!" she announced, arriving at his bedroom door. "I've got enough cash for five tickets! Five tickets for me, Jamie, Diane, Stephanie, and..."

She paused dramatically.

"Ohhh, shucks I forgot! Rebecca's not part of our friend group anymore after she carved my name in the bleachers and tried to blame it on me. And even if we did wanna take her along, I hear she's grounded  the whole rest of the summer! Awww man...What should I DO  with my extra ticket money? Hmmmmmmmm...Well ghee whiz, I wouldn't suppose someone like YOU might want to tag along and go see this year's summer blockbuster with us? Eh? EH??"

...She got no answer.

"Come on, Player! Don't you wanna see people get eaten by a bunch of dinosaurs? I know you do~!"

Still no response.


This time, she knocked. STILL nothing. And she couldn't hear anything either...Heck, was he even IN there?


Proceeding another brisk knock, Dum turned the doorknob and opened it just  a crack to confirm whether or not her brother was even present inside.


He was in there; the reason he couldn't hear her was because he was currently lost in whatever music was blasting in his headphones. His head was turned upside-down over the side of the bed facing the doorway, but he couldn't see her either due to his eyes being shut.

"Uh...Player? You got a second?"

Bravely, she reached out and tapped the side of his headset.


Immediately, the red bean let out a startled shriek and scrambled upright on his mattress into a sitting position to look the trespasser in the eye, headphones falling clean off his head in the process...When the shock wore off, his wide eyes narrowed in contempt.

"DUM!! How many times have I told you to KNOCK  before coming in here!?!"

"But I did  knock! You just didn't answer..." Dum told him, hands now on her hips. "...How many times has Mom told YOU not to turn up the volume on your headphones too loud?"

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