Muddy Puddles

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[Synopsis: For the first time in three days, the rain has let up and let the sun shine through, so TheGentleman and MrCheese decide to take advantage of the fair weather spell and go on a pleasant, quiet stroll...At least, pleasant and quiet were what TheGentleman had in mind. MrCheese has other plans.]

[Location: The park downtown]


"So, how does it look, MrCheese?"

"Cheese Louise...!" the orange crewmate exclaimed when he saw the breakfast plates his associate had prepared. "You could feed a whole fweakin' army with just one o' these!"

"Well if you can't finish it all, we can save the rest for later. I thought I might brush up on my culinary skills, since you slept a bit later than usual."

"Yeah, heh heh...Ghee well, thanks so much. This stuff looks real good!"

With that, the two sat down. MrCheese looked over the massive plate again, scanning over all of the entrees; two peppered sunnyside up eggs worthy of being MrEgg's spare hats, a pair of sausage links, three strips of bacon, a helping of baked beans, a scoop of browned mushrooms, a fried tomato slice and a golden, diagonally-cut piece of toast, topped off with a hot cup of tea to wash it all down.

As they ate, they made small talk, as per usual in the morning. TheGentleman found it odd that he used to find the whole small talk thing so trivial and awkward, when now it felt like a staple of every fresh new day.

"So, is there somethin' good going on?" the orange bean asked him in between bites of sausage. "You usually don't like to cook unless it's during the weekends. And I mean a really good weekend."

"I don't know, I'm just a bit peppy today is all, and I wanted to give it another go...Well, that and I've some plans for later I'm looking forward to."

"Humph...Hopefully the weather doesn't rain on your parade. Like it has the last three days, heh heh."

"Oh, if the forecast is correct, I think it'll leave my parade alone for once," TheGentleman smiled. "According to the Met Office, we'll be seeing a break in our precipitation streak today, with light sun and a gentle breeze. There's chance for another shower later this evening, but the main portion of the day looks quite nice."

"Sure as heck hope so. Man, it really does rain a lot here, doesn't it?"

"Most certainly...Anyways, with that in consideration, I had an idea."

"I'm listening."

"Once we finish our scheduled round of gathering groceries, what say you and I stop by the park for a stroll?"

At that idea, MrCheese's visor lit right up, and a massive smile spread across his face.

"Ohmygosh, really!?"

"Certainly. I thought it might be nice to enjoy the fresh air, now that it's clear of rain."

"I say yes to that, and let's get goin' ASAP!"

Now thoroughly excited, MrCheese shoved more of the food on his plate into his mouth and chewed faster.

"Whoa, gracious, slow down, beany boy! I get you're excited, but don't choke yourself over this!"


MrCheese finally swallowed, then took a sip from his teacup to wash down the mouthful of food he'd just scarfed down.

"Heh heh...Sowwy."


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