First Date

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[Synopsis: It's been exactly one week since Player and Angel secured their Impostor victory, and it's time for their planned date...Player's a little nervous about the ordeal at first, but as long as they both have a good time, things should go alright.]

[Location: Polus Outpost]


Okay, Player. You can do this, the red crewmate said to himself as he straightened out his beanie and dusted himself down for the third time in a row. It's gonna be simple. Donut, coffee, stroll through the snow, then we do our tasks together...Nothing should go wrong. It'll be fine.

"You good, man?"

The sound of Veteran's voice right behind him made Player jump a bit, and he turned around o face him...smoothing himself down yet again.

"Oh, hey Veteran. Sorry, I'm just making sure I look halfway decent for when Angel gets here. Don't wanna make a bad impression, y'know?"

"Oh...Right. Today's your little date," he remembered, frowning a little. "Man, of all the things I had to be reminded of today..."

Player rolled his eyes. Veteran did mean well; after what Noob had done, it made sense that he didn't want Player to have his heart broken all over again by someone who only wanted to take advantage of him. But the red-clad crewmember had a good feeling about Angel, and Veteran's disgruntled concerns felt a bit unwarranted...Hopefully, he would begin to trust Angel soon.

And hopefully, his suspicions didn't get in the way of their date somehow.

"Just calm down, Veteran. Not every girl is like Noob, y'know," Player told him. "The one thing they have in common is that they both live up to their names."

"Hm...well...Just know I'll be keepin' tabs on you guys every so often today," the yellow crewmate nodded.

"Can you maybe not do that? If I know someone is watching me the whole time, it'll probably mess with me too much."

"You sure you don't want me lookin' out for ya?"


"Well...Okay. Good luck out there."


The sound of someone else joining the lobby sounded off, and Player dusted himself down one more time.

"I think that's her! Okay, everyone, wish me luck."

"You're gonna need it, heh heh," MrCheese snickered, earning himself a glare from TheGentleman.

"Oh, don't bog him down, MrCheese. I say he's doing quite well so far for a commoner."

Player rolled his eyes again; at least TheGentleman's comment had some merit...hopefully.

Surely enough, a familiar-looking banana crewmate with a bright golden halo hovering over her head appeared in one of the seats, and as soon as she spied Player, she hopped on over, wearing the sweetest of smiles on her face.

"Hi, everyone," she greeted. "I made it, just as planned."


Player was the first to approach her, and she met him halfway, each of them enveloping one another in a soft embrace and tapping their visors together.

"I'm so glad you could make it today," he smiled. "You ready to start?"

"I certainly am. Captain, do you want to start the game now?"

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