An Interesting Change

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[Synopsis: We all know how Among Us Logic 8 ended; not in a particularly satisfying way for Player and MrEgg. But what if things had gone slightly different for the two that day?]

[Location: MIRA HQ]

Alternatively titled: "How I Wish AUL 8 Ended." XD This is also based off of an element I included in the ending chapter of "The Retro Years," which was a collab between me and Bootieos. Enjoy! (but i apologize in advance to the gentlecheese shippers. it gets ugly...but mr cheese kinda deserves it, ngl)


Veteran's eyes narrowed as the crowd dispersed. Nobody seemed particularly bothered by the fact that Stoner had been innocent; likely because the reported body had belonged to someone they didn't regard very highly, but Veteran still found that odd...He knew he wasn't the brightest crewmate in the bunch, but judging by how quick Player and MrEgg were to cast Stoner off the balcony, paired with Player's dissociation from him that round, he was pretty sure he knew what was going on.

It was just the three of them left in the Cafeteria...And he planned to confront the duo.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" he asked the red and pink-clad crewmates still standing side by side at the table. "A couple of Impostors scheming?"

"Uh...No?" MrEgg replied, his nervousness pretty apparent.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Veteran," Player insisted, scowling at the mustard menace.

"Yeah, sure you don't...You may have all the others fooled, but not me. I finished 12th in my class At DeVry Online Learning; I'm basically a mental-level genius. And I'm onto you, pal...I'm not leaving your sight. Every move you make...Every step you take...I'll be watching you."

Suddenly, Player's frown turned upside down into a confident grin.

"Oh, I don't think you will, Veteran."

"Yeah, why's that?"

"Because there's something your genius brain didn't put together."

"...I find that hard to believe, but go on."

The red crewmate turned his head to face the pink figure behind him.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, MrEgg, but don't you have to be ALIVE in order to spy one someone?"

"You sure do, sir..." he replied, his voice oozing a subtle menacing tone...Veteran raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, but how does that relate to-Ohhh no," he realized. "You're gonna kill me...How did I not see this coming...?"

With that, Player revealed his pistol, cocked it and pointed the barrel right at the hapless crewmate's visor.

"Any last words, Veteran?"

"Yes..." he replied, sweat beading on his forehead as tears formed in the corners of his visor. "...Tell my family that I-"


Before Player could pull the trigger, he saw Veteran's head detach from its body and roll away across the floor, his body falling over in front of him...MrEgg stood there, proudly showing off the knife in his hand that he'd used to finish the job.

"I got him, sir!" he smiled, hoping to earn some praise...His hope was quickly dashed, however.

"DANG IT, MrEgg! Stop stealing all my sweet kills!" he snapped. The smile faded from the pink Impostor's face, and he stored his knife away as he looked away from Player, a shameful glint in his gaze.

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