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[SYNOPSIS: Oh, to be a lonely crewmate playing frisbee with themselves on the beach at sunset. What could be better? Well...There is one thing that could make it better.]

[LOCATION: The Fungle]


Toss, run, pick up. Toss, run, pick up. Toss, run, pick up...

The prints in the sand layered atop one another as the coral-clad feet scurried across the shore, back and forth, throwing the plastic disc to and fro then chasing after it again to repeat the cycle...Goober wasn't sure how long she's been doing this, but frankly she didn't much care. This was one of those games where there were no Impostors, and all of the tasks had been completed; the gang had essentially banded here today just to enjoy the exotic environment.

And that was exactly what Goober was doing right now; living in the moment without a care in the world. Not that she had much to begin with; she was a simple crewmate pleased by simple things, not unlike the seemingly mundane activity of tossing a frisbee across the beach by one's own self. Over and over again.

Toss, run, pick up. Toss, run, pick up. Toss, run...

...Goober stopped before she could reach down and pick the disc back up.

She looked around; it seemed as though not TOO long ago, the entire map was bustling with activity. But now when she looked back inland, she couldn't see a single soul...But she did hear the faint, distant commotion of laughter and conversation somewhere inside one of the makeshift buildings composed of remnant scraps from the Skeld. They must've gone inside for the evening, it seemed...Reasonable enough. The sun had since disappeared beneath the horizon, though the sky was still illuminated with hues of lavender and indigo by the last remaining rays of daylight. They were probably eating dinner by now.

In spite of the present voices, Goober couldn't help but feel...alone. As though everyone else had simply left, and she was the only person remaining on this island. She hadn't thought about it that way before. And she hadn't felt  this way about it before.

...She didn't like that feeling.

All of a sudden, Goober didn't feel like playing frisbee with herself anymore. Shaking her head, she tossed the disc behind her, half expecting to hear it go 'piff' in the sand before she turned to walk away.

...But she never heard it. Nor did she see the frisbee sitting in the sand when she turned.

Instead, there stood a familiar brown figure, the plastic disc held firmly in his raised hand as though he'd caught it.


Goober started slightly; she hadn't expected anyone else to be out here anymore.

"Oh. Uh...Heya, PoopyFarts," she decided to respond, managing a wave. "What'cha doin' here? Shouldn't you be, uh...with the others?"

He shrugged nonchalantly, then drew his hand back and tossed the frisbee back over to the coral crewmate. She wasn't prepared for him to return it, so when she realized it was in the air Goober went long and jumped a bit to catch it...When she finally had it, she looked back up at PoopyFarts; he was waving his hands at her, anticipating a throw.

"...Heh heh..."

She obliged. The frisbee flew for a handful of seconds, and PoopyFarts grabbed it midair. He sent it back a moment later, and Goober followed it just into the remnants of a foaming wave as it crept back into the ocean.

She grinned. Maybe she was still in the mood to play after all.

So she threw it back all over again. Back and forth the frisbee went until the last remaining shreds of sunlight had disappeared. And even still, they continued to go back and forth with the disc.

Toss, run, catch. Toss, run, catch. Toss, run, catch...


Sorry this one's as short as it is, but I didn't want to drag out a simple premise for too long. And hey, I haven't really included either of these characters in my writing for a while now, so giving them the fluffy spotlight again was nice! ^v^

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