Rebuilding Broken Bridges

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[Synopsis: It's been established that MrEgg's dominant older brothers, Benedict and Sheldon, were part of why his childhood was so terrible...So it comes as a surprise to him when one of them comes knocking on his door bearing an apology.]

[Location: Ria and MrEgg's house.]


"Huh...? Oh, what is this, another telemarketer?"

Player rolled his eyes as he stared at the call display on his phone screen; he'd been a recent target of calls like that, so it wouldn't be a surprise to him if it was just someone else trying to sell him something.


Unknown Caller
(Clacton-on-Sea, England)

🟢Accept  🔴Decline

His finger hovered over the decline button for a moment, but before he pressed it, he made the split-second decision to answer this one; he'd never gotten a telemarketing call from England before, and his mischievous side was urging him to mess with the person on the other end(probably with a bogus British accent.) So he accepted the call, brought the phone to his ear and answered the caller with the most exaggerated accent he could muster.

"Ello, ello, 'o's this fancyin' a chin-wag with me?"


The voice on the other end was indeed British; it was starkly male, being almost as deep as Veteran's voice, but without the gravelly undertone, and it was fairly soft...And by the sound of it, Player smiled, knowing that he'd successfully confused the supposed telemarketer.

"Oi, so, what's on your mind, mate?" he continued.

"Am I, uh...speaking to Player?"

The red-clad crewmate froze at the sound of his name...No telemarketer that he'd answered to ever had any information like that.

"Oh. Um...Sorry," he responded, dropping his accent. "I thought you were someone else."

"Who'd you think I was?" the voice asked him, sounding slightly amused.

"Uh...a telemarketer."

The person finally started to laugh a bit, and Player let out a bit of a chuckle himself once his nerves died down.

"Ahh...Well, I'd do the same to one myself, I s'pose. So, you're Player, I'm guessing?"

"That's me. Sorry about the fake accent. Can I help you?"

"It's not a problem, And, ah, yes, you can, really. Um...Do you happen to know a certain MrEgg?"

"MrEgg...?" Player echoed, taking a brief moment to think before answering the mysterious caller. "Uh...Who wants to know?"

"Oh, uh, just an old acquaintance of his. I haven't spoken to him in a while, and I wanted to do some catching up," the anonymous man replied. "You happen to know where he lives?"

"Uh...Somewhere in a coastal town called Canford Cliffs, I think he said once. I don't know his address, though."

"Oh...Well, thank you, though. That starts me off well."

"Can I get a name?" Player asked.

"For now, I'm John Doe...But I might talk to you again in a day or two to update you on the matter. Sound good, Player?"

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