Kids' Table

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[SYNOPSIS: A much-anticipated Thanksgiving dinner is taking place at Player's house, with most of the crew present at the table! That is, until people begin to gradually disappear after going to check on the kids' table in the living room...Wonder what's up with that?]

[LOCATION: The Playson household]


"Bless this meal, all who are gathered here today to share it, and all of our loved ones who cannot be with us today...Amen."

With that, Alan rose his head and opened his eyes...He was met once again with the massive banquet across the table in front of him, along with the entourage of excited guests that'd come to feast on it as well.

"Alright, everyone. Let's dig in!"

They gladly obliged...The table was especially full this year, mostly thanks to Player. Veteran and Captain were both here, and Angel had managed to convince both of her parents to join in as well. Mother and her children were present, and even NotOrange and Blue decided to show up. It was easily the biggest crowd he'd seen for Thanksgiving in years. He didn't mind, though; their gatherings hadn't really been as big ever since Granddad passed away, so it brought him back to better times...Not to mention, with all of Player's lobby friends bringing a contribution to the table, there ended up being less work in the kitchen for them! All they had to worry about was the turkey, two sides and the dessert.

"Hey. You should try to bring some of your buddies every year, Player," Alan remarked as he shoveled some stuffing into his mouth. "Saves us the hassle!"


The red bean couldn't respond, given that his mouth was full of Veteran's homemade sausage stuffing.

"Oh. Never mind, I'll get back to you on that later."

"I ought to give that stuffing a try soon if it's THAT good," Player's mother remarked. "Say, Mrs. Sal'Alohim, what did you say your dish was called?"

"Oh, the peppercorn colcannon? It's yer classic mashed potatoes, but with some cooked cabbage plus extra cream and butter. It's a family tradition for us, so we thought we'd bring it along to your place this year."

"Well, that's one way to get my vegetables in," the purple crewmate jeered. "I was never a huge fan of them when I was younger."

"So that's where I got it from..." Dum teased.

"Oh, you're not alone there, Mrs. Playson," Mother chimed in. "Sometimes Timmy and Franklin are so stubborn about eating anything green, they'll just sit there and test me for as long as they can!"

"Wow, really? Ghee, that sounds like a chore...At least Player wasn't as big of a problem with veggies as them. Well, not unless it was an avocado, but that's the exception."

"Hm...That's tellin'," Angel's father remarked, picking a bit at his cream corn. "So, eh...Mum, right? What's this sort of beige concoction in our side bowls?"

"Oh, the cream of parsnip soup? You'll love that; I always make it this time of year! But never for Thanksgiving for some reason...not until now, at least."

As the parents in the room continued their banter, Dum turned to Captain and shoved a forkful of his sweet potato casserole into her mouth.

"What do you think, Dum? I made it from scratch."

"Mmm, oh wow. You used a lotta marshmallows in this!"

"Ghee whiz, I wonder why!"


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