Makin' Bacon Pancakes

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[Synopsis: Bro's singing is beginning to rub off on Mango...How so? Just read on to find out, peeps(i'm sorry this is so short, agh. ;-;)]

[Location: the MIRA HQ dorms]


The blue figure in the denim baseball cap stood at the stove, pouring some of the pancake mix he'd whipped up into the frying pan. Once he had a good-sized dollop in the pan and sizzling away, he took some of the bacon he'd whipped up in his second frying pan earlier and chopped it up into little bite-sized pieces, singing to himself quietly as he cooked.

"Bacon pancakes, makin' bacon pancakes
Take some bacon and I put it in a pancake
Bacon pancakes, that's what it's gonna make
B a c o n   p a n c A A A k e s ~

The sweet and savory smell of the bacon pancake sizzling away alerted the lovebird sleeping in his cage across the room, and it perked its little orange head up to catch a whiff of the smell. It whistled loudly to catch its owner's attention, to which Bro looked over to it from the kitchen as he flipped the pancake over.

"Mornin', Mango!" he greeted the bird in the cage. "You smell that, huh? Smells good, don't it?"

"Bacon pancake?"

...Bro gasped. This was something new to him.

"Did...did you just say 'bacon pancake'?"

"Makin' bacon bacon bacon pancakes, bacon bacon pancake~!" the lovebird continued, bobbing his head up and down as he ran from side to side along his perch.


The blue-clad crewmate thought just beatboxing was an impressive feat, but actual singing now? He was ecstatic.

Bro scooped his pancake out of the pan with his spatula, plopped it on his plate and then headed over to Mango's cage, opening it and letting him step up onto his finger to lift him out.

"Did you say bacon pancake?" he asked him playfully, his lips slightly puckered as he spoke. "Can you say it again?"

"Makin bacon bacon pancake!"

Bro repeated after him, mashing up the words to the song like the bird was doing to urge him on.

"Bacon bacon pancake, yeah? Yeah? You like that song? Huh? Do you like Jake the Dog's bacon pancake song?"

Mango whistled at him again and bobbed his head, still mashing up bits of the song, usually with repeated "bacons" in his phrasing. The jubilant grin on Bro's face was now over a mile wide, his eyes squinted from how hard he was smiling.

"Bacon bacon pancake, is what it's gonna make,
Bacon pan-CAAAKE~!

Mango squealed out the high note, then grew silent. Bro clapped his free hand on his wrist to applaud him.

"Yaaaay, good Mango! He's a good bird...!" he praised. "Oh, I gotta go get my breakfast. You go up onto your playground while Daddy eats and I'll be back with a treat for you."

He let Mango climb up onto the set of small ladders and swings that was set up atop his large cage, then finished making his breakfast, adding another two large bacon pancakes onto his first on in no more than a minute. After turning the stove off, cleaning the oil out of of it and then drenching his stack of bacon pancakes with butter and maple syrup, he finally sat down at his small table to eat...The blend of sweet and savory in the dish tasted just as good as it smelled.

"Man...Jake knew how to cook, gotta say that," he remarked in the middle of his meal. "...God, I miss that show sometimes."

When he was done eating, he went back to the stove, scraped some of the leftover batter out of the mixing bowl, dripped a quarter-sized dollop into the still-hot pan and topped it with a couple small bits of cooked bacon sitting on the paper towel, making sure they didn't have too much grease on them...It was unsalted bacon and the oil in the pan from before was gone, so he knew it would be safe to give his feathered companion, and it was a bit too small for him to have to worry about it sticking.

When both sides were done all the way, Bro stuck a fork through the tiny pancake, picked it up and waved it around to cool it down for a minute or so, then he went back to Mango's cage and opened up the slot where his food dish was held, sticking it on top of his food pellets and sprinkling a tiny pinch of chopped almonds on top of it in the place of syrup. As soon as he put mango back in his cage to eat, the lovebird went straight to the miniature pancake, delving its hooked beak towards it and taking an eager bite out of the edge...The pleased whistle he emitted when he'd finished the bite was all Bro needed to hear to know Mango was pleased.

"You like the bacon pancake~?" he cooed. "Yes, yes you do, he's a good bird, yes...!"

He continued to spew praise and baby talk at his beloved parrot as it continued to eat...unaware that his room door was creaked slightly open, and that a phone camera lens was peering in from just outside.

The orange crewmate operating the device stopped the recording right then and there, then turned to his accomplice.

"...I told you he acts weird when no one's around," MrCheese rasped as he quietly shut Bro's room door.

"Wow...I knew he had a soft side for his bird, but I didn't know it'd be this soft," Player agreed.

"Well, now ya know. Now come on, let's scram. If we hurry, we can upload this to CrewTube and get it up to 100K views before he even suspects!"

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