Horror Movies

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[Synopsis: Player lets Veteran choose a movie for them to watch on a dark, stormy night. Unfortunately, it turns out to be a bit too much for Player to handle, so Veteran decides to remedy the situation.]

[Location: Player's house]

Spoilers for The Thing, in case you haven't watched it, but want to see it for yourself. Just a heads up.


"Okay...okay...You win the Nerf war," Veteran admitted as the two of them dragged themselves back into the house. "I'll get you the Skittles next time we meet up."

"Ha...You don't need to do all three," Player told him, pretty exhausted himself. "Just two's fine...Heh..."

Player had emerged victorious just in time; it'd begun to cloud up during the middle of the combat session, and as they trudged into the house, they'd begun to hear thunder. By now it was almost dark outside, but the sunset was concealed behind a blanket of dark, ominous clouds, and rain was beginning to fall.

"Man, that was awesome..." Veteran said to him. "Heh...So, uh...We don't have to hit the sack for another handful of hours, right?"

"Yeah...Before they left, my parents said they wouldn't mind if we stayed up later than usual. As long as we didn't stay up until, like, midnight."

"Man. Your parents must have a lot o' trust in you to leave you here with me for the evening so they can go out."

"Hey, it's a win-win. They get a nice night out, and we get to hang."

"Awesome...So, uh, they said somethin' about leaving some pizza rolls for us to split for dinner before they left, right?"

"Yep. It's gettin' a little late, so you want me to get 'em ready? Mom showed me how to work the toaster oven."

"Heck yeah. I'm starving!" Veteran gushed. "Oh, after dinner, you wanna put a movie on, or somethin' like that?"

"Sounds like a good idea to me!" Player smiled as he opened the freezer door and grabbed the box of pizza rolls.

"Ha ha, alright!" the yellow crewmate cheered, pumping his fists into the air. "Man, tonight's gonna be great..."




By the time they finished eating, it was pouring outside, and the thunder and lightning ran amok in the skies, illuminating the dark, stormy night every minute or so with a blinding flash of white.

But Player and Veteran were unbothered by the weather. They were busy searching the DVD cabinet for something to watch.

"Let's see..." Player mumbled as he looked through the cases lined up on the shelf. "We have a lot of Disney movies."

"Meh...I was thinkin' something a bit more live-action. And I'm not talking about live-action Disney reboots. Ugh..."

"How 'bout Star Wars?"

"Hmmm...Maybe, but I want a few other options before I dive right in."

"Okay, well...uhh..."

Before Player could suggest anything else, Veteran spoke up again.

"You want me to look for somethin'?"

"You wanna see for yourself? Well, ah, okay. Go ahead."

Player stepped away from the cabinet, and Veteran started going through some of the titles, scanning them over from left to right.

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