Cold Blooded

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[Synopsis: A winter blackout forces Captain and Dum to rely on warm clothes and their own body heat to get by...However, Charlie lacks both of those things. And if he isn't kept warm somehow, he'll die. How will the couple ensure his survival?]

[Location: Captain and Dum's house]


With the blizzard outside being as strong as it was, and outages going on all over the affected area, the couple living in the little sky blue house had anticipated that the same would happen them at some point. So when it did, they'd already made a few preparations; wood was piled up for the fireplace, the gas burner and three propane tanks had been brought into the house, water was collected from the sink, packages of noodles, stroganoff and other pot-cooked meals were gathered on the counter to make, candles were lit in a few places and their phones were both fully charged. So when the blackout did finally hit, they weren't worried.

"That ought to keep things warm until the weather lets up and the power comes back on," Captain remarked as he slipped a thick, fuzzy blue sweater over himself. "In the meantime, since we're stuck here, are ya keen on some cuddles?"

"Keen as ever~!" the pink crewmate giggled. "Let's get cozy and tell each other spooky stories..."

"I like the sound of that."

Captain pulled her close and held her tightly as they nuzzled visors, and he lifted her right up off her feet and into his lap as he plopped down on the couch, each of them tucking their sock-covered feet underneath their crossed legs to keep their toes extra warm.

...It turned out, though, that neither of them were very good at telling genuinely horrifying stories, let alone coming up with them. Captain started giggling just when the main character in his zombie-infested supermarket story was getting surrounded by a horde of the undead in the fruit section, and from there, things went from suspenseful to downright hilarious.

"A-and then, just when the one shambler with the skinless foot was nearly on top of him, his good foot stepped on one of the rotten banana peels on the floor, and he fell head over heels!"

"Pfft-Ha ha ha ha ha!"

"And he did a backflip!"

Dum laughed even harder at the added bit, and Captain followed her up with his own...Eventually, the scary made-up stories turned into stories about ACTUAL scary things that'd happened to them before, mainly during their childhoods. After about two hours, Dum was in the middle of recounting the time Player found a garter snake in their mother's vegetable garden and chased her around with it.

"He only stopped when Jet ran in front of him and sent him flying forward and right into the ground!" she gushed. "Ah, man...Mom and Dad were NOT happy with him when they found out about all that; the only reason he got off with just having to write 'I will not chase my sister with snakes' 50 times was because he bruised one cheek and scraped the other when he fell...Ah well, at least his loose tooth came out."

"Did he know that you actually had ophidiophobia yet?"

"I don't think so; he probably just figured ALL girls hated stuff like snakes and lizards."

"Ah...Well, at least we know you're okay with-"

All of a sudden, Captain let out a loud gasp, and he threw his hand over his mouth, visor widening in horror. How could he have forgotten!?

"Cappy, what's the matter-?"


He almost threw Dum back onto the couch as he sprang up and rushed into the bedroom, but Dum barely even noticed his unintentional roughness and quickly followed after him. She met him in the bedroom just in time to see him taking the top off of Charlie's tank and reaching in to take him out...Dum's own concern started to rise when she saw just how frantic he looked.

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