That Was TODAY!?

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[Synopsis: A year has passed since MrEgg and Ria finally tied the knot, and now their first anniversary is here. Unfortunately, the latter realizes this a bit too late. Can she still pull off an unforgettable anniversary at the very last minute?]

[Location: MrEgg and Ria's house, and the surrounding area]

Oh, and um, if for some reason the actual Ria is still reading these and/or is bothered by them, I would like to state that I view the Ria we saw in the Novisor specials as a separate entity from her IRL counterpart, so I'm not directly shipping an actual person with a fictional orange bean. Besides, I've kind of dug this RiaEgg well too deep for me to get out of now anyways, so might as well keep drilling. XP

Oh well, just wanted that addressed. Now onto the story!





Ria reached a hand out towards her nightstand, visor prying open as she tried to grab her phone...She'd been gradually waking up earlier over the past few months, so she'd set it to just vibrate instead of sound off an alarm; the last thing she wanted was to give MrEgg a rude awakening.

She turned the alarm off, then sat up and stretched, turning to look at her husband beside her...Still sound asleep, thankfully. And he wouldn't be awake for another half hour.

He deserves it, that's for sure, she said to herself as she lowered her feet and slid them into the pair of slippers on the floor, heading over to their shared bathroom to wash up...When she came out only a few minutes later, the lime crewmate made her way out into the kitchen and booted up the coffee maker, eyeing up the latte setting. The coffee maker usually went unused in the favor of tea, so she figured it'd be nice to shake things up for a change. 

As she booted up the machine, Ria spied the calendar on the wall, and she remembered to cross out today's date on it...October 7th. She sighed whimsically; that was the day they said their vows up on the hill in the countryside, surrounded by acres of golden grass and warm scarlet and orange trees. It was hard to believe it'd already been a full year since that day.

...Exactly a year, to be presice.

Wait a minute... Ria said to herself. That...that would make today our...

That was when it clicked, and her eyes bugged out in horror.


It was their anniversary! How could she have missed that!? Oh, why on earth hadn't she realized this yesterday!? Last week, even!? They didn't even have any plans!

...SHE didn't have any plans. But what if MrEgg did? Would she be found out!? What would he say if he found out she forgot!?

Heart racing, she paced around the kitchen in a quiet panic.

"Oh, God, oh God oh God oh God, what do I do, what do I do...!?" she whispered over and over, trying to figure out what course of action to take. Her eyes darted everywhere as she tried to determine her first step; to the stove, to the fridge, back to the coffee maker. If only her stomach would stop growling, she might be able to think more straight.


She snapped her fingers as the idea hatched, and she set right to work gathering things from the fridge...What did he say his favorite breakfast was? Scotch eggs? Yes, that was it! She pulled up a recipe on her phone and skimmed through the instructions as quickly as she could.

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