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[Synopsis: Player isn't able to sleep, and as he wanders the ship in the wee hours of morning, he gets to thinking bad things about himself again...So when Mother finds out he's awake and catches onto the problem, she decides to lend him a hand the best way she knows how.(Just a fluffy friendship fic; not intended to be shipping.)]

[Location: The Skeld]


Player sighed to himself and rolled over onto his stomach, kicking the blankets off of himself. His body refused to let itself relax and sink into the covers, and no matter what position he shifted into, he didn't feel comfortable at all.

This is ridiculous, he said to himself, hiding his visor in his hands. I've been lying here for over two hours trying to fall asleep, and nothing's working.

He rolled back onto his side, pulled the covers back overtop of him and tried to convince himself that he was comfortable; he'd been sleeping perfectly fine! Why should tonight be any different?

"Urrgh..." he groaned aloud. "It's no use."

Too frustrated to stay down in bed, Player threw the blankets back off of himself and stood up on the floor, pondering what to do next. He obviously wasn't going to lie back down right away and try again when he knew it wouldn't work.

"I already have a hard enough time playing this game," he complained to himself. "Why did this have to happen to me? Did I really do something so horrible that Innersloth decided to turn me into an insomniac?"

He scanned across his room looking for something to occupy himself with; his eyes had been open for hours since he'd turned off the lights, so they'd adjusted to the darkness well enough for him to see a little.

But when every item he had failed to interest him, his gaze finally settled on the door.


Maybe a walk is what I need, he figured. It'll probably get some of this unwanted energy out of my system.

Without any further hesitation, Player opened his door, tip-toed out of his room and quietly shut it behind him, leaving his quarters to venture out into the rest of the ship.

...The Skeld was a quiet, peaceful place during the night. Most of the lights were off, and the endless array of shimmering stars and colorful nebulas in the vast expanse of space outside the windows was more visible. Player smiled as he looked out the cafeteria window and admired the view; very few sights back on earth compared to something like this.

It really is something special, he said to himself, his frustration seeming to melt away as he stared out into the immense universe outside the spaceship. ...I should come out here at night more often.

He continued to look out the window and admire the view, pacing back and forth every so often to see if he could catch a glimpse of a comet zooming by, or the magnificent rings of one of the gas giants way out yonder...But even so, the urge to sleep was still nowhere to be found.

It did take several minutes, but Player eventually lost interest in the scenery; nothing seemed to change about it tonight. So he went back to pacing around the circumference of the cafeteria. His mind was beginning to wander as much as his body was. What caused this sudden bout of sleeplessness? He hadn't eaten anything since 7:00, and he DEFINITELY hadn't had any coffee to drink that late at night for any reason. He'd slept fine last night and the night before, and all of the nights going back about a month or more; the last time he really had any trouble sleeping was when he had that horrible nightmare about the zombies, but even that had been resolved fairly quickly. A few of his earlier assumptions, in spite of how ridiculous they really were, began to come back and haunt him.

Some Fluffy Among Us Logic One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now