You Play the Piano?

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[Synopsis: MrEgg decides to serenade his lovely lime lady friend Ria one round in hopes of winning her over. Seems simple enough...But it turns out the list of things that could possibly go wrong is longer than he initially thought. Will he overcome the obstacles and successfully earn Ria's heart?]

[Location: The Airship]


The three crewmates that'd spawned in the main hall, Captain, Player, and MrEgg, all split up to do their assigned tasks. Player noticed as he and MrEgg headed into Showers that he was going especially fast, and he had a pretty serious look on his face.

"Uh...MrEgg?" he addressed curiously as he started collecting the towels around the room. "Everything okay?"

"Everything's fine, Player," he responded curtly. "I just want to get everything done here in an orderly fashion. I've got something I want to do once I finish my tasks."

As soon as he finished bumping the shower head back into place, he hurried back out of the room.

"I'll let everyone know you picked up the towels next meeting!" he called out as he left his red-clad companion in the dust.

"...Huh," Player said to himself. "...Wonder what he's up to?"






"I found Captain in the cockpit," Player explained to the crew. "Nobody else was around, but it looked like he was stabilizing the steering just before someone got him.

"Anyone else have any leads?" TheGentleman inquired.

"It's not Player," MrEgg quickly defended. "I saw him picking up the towels at the start of the match."

"Well, guess that rules out you," Veteran nodded. "Anyone else got any leads?"

"Hmmm..." Ria hummed, eyeing the pink crewmember.

"Um...Yes, Ria? Is something wrong?"

"I'm not making an accusation yet," she said. "But I have noticed you acting a little on edge this round."

"On edge? Ah, well..." he replied, scratching the back of his head as the pink of his face darkened a bit. "I'm just in a hurry to get all of my tasks done, and I've been trying to avoid people as much as possible to keep from being brutally murdered."

"Is that so?"


"Humph..." TheGentleman huffed, not 100% convinced yet. "I say we skip this vote, but if anyone sees MrEgg acting suspicious aside from what we already know, then we do something about it."

"Sounds good to me," MrCheese nodded, following his associate's order.

"I can assure you all that you will see me do nothing out of the ordinary," MrEgg told them. "Well...not until all of my tasks are done, at least."

"He said that there was something he wanted to do once all of his tasks were done," Player remembered. "So, I'm gonna skip and soft-clear him, okay?"

"Sounds like a plan," Veteran agreed. The rest of the votes were cast, and everyone voted in favor of the skip.


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