The Greatest Day of My Life

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[Synopsis: For most of his life, MrEgg didn't have it easy...But none of the hardships he ever lived through could amount to a day like this.]

[Location: Somewhere in the English countryside, during the peak of autumn]


MrEgg sighed as he looked himself down in the mirror. He didn't see anything out of place, but just to be sure, he straightened his bowtie again and dusted himself off.

"Are you nervous, MrEgg?" TheGentleman asked, his tone full of genuine concern.

"I...Oh, I'm sorry, TheGentleman," he responded. "I've been waiting for this moment for months now, and even though I finally made it there, part of me still thinks something can go horribly awry. And usually in my case, if something can go wrong, it will, and it will go very, VERY wrong...But I always think my fears are never valid, and then, I...I just feel stupid for even thinking things like that."

"Oh, MrEgg, you have nothing to worry about now. You've come this far already, and you've done amazingly the whole way through! Not just with the planning for all this, but everything that lead up to it as well...We're all immensely proud of you, and even if anything were to somehow go wrong, we still would be. You're going to do wonderfully out there, MrEgg. I haven't a single doubt about it!"

TheGentleman straightened out his top hats and flashed MrEgg a reassuring smile.

"...You really mean all of that?"

"Every word. Come now, MrEgg. Have some confidence! Show me!"

He nodded, then put on the most hot to trot face he could muster, puffing his chest out and standing tall.

"Ha! That's what I like to see! Now, who's ready to get out there and impress!?"

"I am!"

"You bet your britches you are!"

TheGentleman took a peek at the clock on the wall above them.

"Ooh! We'd best get out there and meet your brother at the limousine. We've only got twenty minutes until the ceremony starts, and everyone else is likely almost halfway there already!"

"Oh, great Scott! H-how do I look, is everything good?"

"You look ravishing, and ready to roll," TheGentleman nodded, the two of them already heading out of the rental cottage and over to the rental limousine. Sheldon was in the driver's seat, hands on the wheel and foot on the gas.

"Just in time, you two. Egg, you ready?"

"As I'll ever be," the smaller orange crewmate replied.

"Now, let's get a move-on!" TheGentleman exclaimed excitedly. "Tally-ho!"




The spot MrEgg had chosen was perfect in every way. The rolling hills, the green grass, the trees dotted all over the place...The leaves on said trees had recently turned from verdant green to vibrant shades of vermillion, copper and gold, and they seemed to shine on their own in the soft light of the early evening sun.

"It's a beautiful evening, it is," TheGentleman remarked as they made their way to the venue. "I'm very glad the weather is in our favor now; I was a bit worried by those clouds this morning."

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