Ain't That a Buzzkill?

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[SYNOPSIS: A bad morning for Player only gets worse once it spreads into the rest of the lobby like the plague, and everyone is getting tired of everyone's antics. Eventually, however, they come to an agreement amongst their quarreling, and a bet is placed: Who can go the longest without doing the things they like doing the most?]

[LOCATION: The Airship]

TW: SrQueso is in this one.

A request AND birthday present for our one and only Dr. Egg. Happy BDay, doc! ^v^


Some days, Player just wanted to stay in bed until noon, not having to deal with the work around the house, or the hassle from his family, or the antics of his peers in the lobby. He just wasn't in the mood to deal with it all, and anything that someone did that was even slightly irksome could tip the scales and make him angry.

...Today happened to be one of those days.

The red crewmate, still tired from a poor night's sleep, sat down at his computer with a half-eaten English muffin in one hand and his second cup of coffee in the other, brow furrowed in exhaustion and...just overall grumpiness. He honestly wanted to skip today, but he'd skipped last week due to sustaining a hand injury while helping his father build a bench in the garage, and he had promised to be on this week now that his hand was in...decent shape, compared to last Saturday. But he sighed, knowing a promise was a promise. And hey, maybe it wouldn't be so bad once he got on, so he typed in the code sent to him by Captain and spawned in just a moment later.

...Upon landing in the dropship, Player was IMMEDIATELY met with a barrage of headache-intensifying ruckus.

Oh, jeez...

Veteran and Stoner were arguing about...which frosty flavor was better, it sounded like. TheGentleman, MrCheese and MrEgg were all gathered in a circle loudly  making jokes with one another, Captain and Dum were chasing each other around the lobby laughing, Gnome and Engineer were doing the same, Bro was showing Ninja some cringey-sounding meme on his phone...EVERYTHING was all over the place and just a loud, chaotic mess.

The sensory overload was overbearing to the point that it made Player's head feel like it was about to burst open and spill out the sloshing goo that his brain had become. His vision clouded over with frustration, and he didn't even realize that he had opened his mouth until it was two seconds too late.


...And then, the moment he realized what he'd said out loud, the noise abruptly stopped, and the lobby went almost completely silent. But not without the cost of having every eye in the dropship staring right at him.

"...Oh..." he mumbled. "Uh...sorry, I'm just...uh..."

"Well, ghee whiz, someone got up on the wrong side o' the bed today," MrCheese teased him. "What's up, did you spill your coffee again? Heh heh."

Player scowled.

"No...I didn't really have to," he replied bluntly. "I'm just of those days, and you guys were giving me a headache."

"Pfsh. You think THAT'S a headache?" Bro scoffed. "You should see some o' this NPC garbage that's goin' around on TikTok. That'll give you a straight-up brain hemorrhage! Ask Ninja!"

"私はブロが無学で頭が悪いと思っているが, 彼でさえこの脳みそを腐らせる内容を見抜くことができると認めざるを得ない," the grey-clad crewmate nodded in response.

"I kind of don't want to..."

"Come on Player, lighten up!" Dum said to him. "Captain, Gnome Engineer and I were just playing a round of freeze tag while we were waiting on you. Maybe if Angel comes on today, we could-"

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