"Did it Hurt When you Fell from Heaven?"

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[Synopsis: With 15-player lobbies now part of Among Us, Captain's server is bigger and fuller than ever! Some old faces make a comeback as well...And one in particular may just be able to turn a few things around for the unluckiest member of the group.]

[Location: Polus outpost]

Grab the popcorn and take a seat, gang, because at almost 8,500 words(not including Author's Notes,) this is my longest one-shot yet!! And a lot of crazy(perhaps even impossible?? *winkwink*) things are about to go down!

Oh, boy. The Plateran and Playtain shippers are gonna freakin' KILL me for this, though...


"Man...This update is CRAZY so far, ain't it?" Veteran remarked.

"Ya darn said it," Sheriff nodded, sporting one of the new colors added to the game: a dusty shade of tan. "Your thoughts, PoopyFarts?"


"Heh heh...I'll never get tired o' that."

"Yeah, it's pretty great," MrCheese grinned. "Now we can play with even more of our friends at once! Ain't that right, MrEgg?"

"It's exquisite. And I must say, Goober. Coral suits you quite well."

"Ha HA! *gasp* It's pretty...!"

It sure was a splendid get-together; nobody had seen Goober in the longest time, and Sheriff hadn't been around much lately either. Now that the player number had been expanded and more colors were added, there was potential for a lot more shenanigans to go down and friendships to form...And perhaps even romances to bloom.

"Alright! Lobby's nearly full, people!" Captain announced. "When one more person joins, I'll start the game!"

As if on cue, the sound of someone else spawning into the dropship went off, and everyone looked over to see who'd joined them.

...A dainty figure in a banana-colored suit appeared in a flash of light, a halo floating just inches above her head.

"...Hi, everyone," she greeted with a small, somewhat shy wave, her voice soft and sweet. "It's been a long time, hasn't it...?"

Player was the first one among the crowd to recognize her...Really, he'd seen her more recently than anyone else had, but even then, it'd still been quite a while since then.


He ran over to meet her, a smile on his face.

"Wow, you're here, too? Man, I honestly doubted I'd ever see you again. You got out of the Cheaters' Lobby?"

"I most certainly did...But to be fair, I actually really liked the Cheaters' Lobby; you never knew what was gonna happen next, and I love it when things get shaken up! And of course, I did have a few friends in there, so I was a little hesitant to leave them so I could see you again..."

She sighed.

"I already miss SirClogsworth...He was like a brother to me amidst all the chaos."

"Hey, maybe he'll get out of there someday too. All he has to do is renounce his victory, right?"

"True...I guess there's some hope."

"Wait, wait, wait. Who's this chick s'posed to be, Player?"

Veteran approached next, eyeing up Angel like a hawk.

"Oh, yeah. You never met Angel, did you? She was actually here the first time I ever played Among Us! But that was the only normal round I ever saw her in; she ended up getting sent to the Cheaters' Lobby for...what was it again?"

Some Fluffy Among Us Logic One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now