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[Synopsis: It's a little known fact that Player is EXTREMELY ticklish. The only person in the lobby who really knew this was Dum...That is, of course, until the fateful day she let it slip.]

[Location: The Skeld]


"You guys are going to regret this! I'm warnin' you! So you better fall back!"

"We'll fall back when you finally land a hit on us! Come on, Captain, let's give 'em what for!"

"They're on the move, General Player! What do we do?"

"Just keep firing and gathering ammo from the field, Colonel Veteran! I'll figure something out!"

Captain, Dum, Player and Veteran were in the middle of a pillow war in the red crewmate's quarters, complete with blanket forts and makeshift armor in the form of some of the customization helmets. Captain and Dum had the edge so far; they'd scored several massive hits on the opposing team's fort while barely being touched themselves, which gave them the chance to gather more pillows back up off the floor while the enemies were rebuilding their defense. Colonel Veteran was currently playing the scavenging card himself and trying his best to dodge blows from the opponent while General Player concocted a new plan.

"Veteran! Behind you! Fall back!"

Player called out just in time; Veteran sprinted back to home base, just barely avoiding a pillow that'd been launched in his direction. He had five of his own in hand, and he returned to the general with the much-needed ammunition.

"You got a plan yet, General?"

"I think so..." he rasped. "You take two of the five pillows with you out into the battlefield and coax them into going after you. But only fire ONE at them. While you're distracting them, I'll use my three to annihilate their fortress, and once I've done that, you meet me at the enemy base and use the fourth to deal a finishing blow to it! Then we'll be able to raid them, and they'll be helpless against us...!"

Player handed his colonel two pillows for ammunition and gave him a salute.

"I'm counting on you, Colonel."

"I won't let you down."

With that arranged, Veteran bravely traversed the battlegrounds, taunting the enemy.

"Eat my gold-plated butt, you cowards!!"

"A lone wolf!" Captain alerted his lieutenant. "He won't stand for very long against both of us! Let's seize the opportunity to attack while we have it!"

"Aye aye, Captain!"

Both of them opened fire on Veteran, abandoning their post in the process. Player smirked; victory was just around the corner, and he wasn't about to see himself lose it again. Without wasting any time, he started hurling the pillows he had with him at the enemy fort; a blanket came loose from one of the chairs with his first hit, and several of the cushions forming a wall in front of the fort toppled over with his second. With his third strike, the pillar coat rack used to prop up some of the blankets and make the fort look bigger fell over, dragging a decent chunk of the enemy base with it to the floor.

By the time Captain and Dum looked over to see where the clattering sound of the coat rack falling over had come from, it was too late. Player was already in the base, robbing them of their remaining ammo as he retrieved his own!

"HEATHEN!" Dum nearly hollered. "We won't let you get away with this!"

"I'm on my way, Player!"

Some Fluffy Among Us Logic One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now