The Kitchen War

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[Synopsis: Stoner and Ninja have gone head-to-head in the kitchen, engaged in a battle of the culinary arts. With TheGentleman, Veteran and MrCheese as the deciding judges, who will be on top, and who will be chopped?]

[Location: The Airship]


"Welp. Time to take out the trash," Veteran said to himself as he headed into the front end of the ship, quickly scanning Communications for any dead bodies before making a left into the armory.

As he got closer to the kitchen entrance, the sound of voices from the room grew louder and more clear, and it sounded tense.

Huh...? Are TheGentleman and MrCheese tearin' into each other again...?

The yellow crewmate stopped walking and eavesdropped on the conversation, prepared for some juicy drama...But when he processed the voices, he realized that they didn't belong to who he thought they were.

"What do you mean, 'disaster?' That's a good lookin' burg, right there, bruh."


"Psh...Like you could make somethin' better."


Stoner and Ninja?

He peered into the doorway, and sure enough, the two of them were standing there, hovering over a very, very greasy-looking burger, piled high with every condiment there was...But even though Veteran's mouth was already watering at just the sight of it, Ninja was apparently not at all impressed with what Stoner had put together.

"Oooooh, okay, Mr. Magic Man. You, like, wanna bet?"

"勝負を受けて立つ," Ninja growled. "かかって来い!"

"My pleasure..."

"Oh, man, this is crazy," Veteran said to himself. "Ninja and Stoner having a chef competition? And Stoner can understand Japanese? I gotta get Player and-"

Right as he turned to leave the armory to search for his best friend, he ran right into him. He was coming in from outside just as Veteran was trying to go out, and he jumped at the near impact they had before quickly hiding his hands behind his back.

"Whoa-! Ah...Oh...V-veteran! Heh scared me."

"Sorry, man. But c'mere. You gotta check this out."

He led Player over to the kitchen doorway again to see what Ninja and Stoner were up to at that point...By then they'd both changed their hats, with Ninja now sporting a white headband with a red dot in its center(an obvious homage to his motherland,) and Stoner having donned a toque blanche.

"What are they doing?"

"They had some kind of argument in here over a burger, and it's turned into an all-out culinary battle. They're putting their skills head to head. I can already taste the drama building..."

"Are you sure that isn't just you imagining what their food is gonna taste like?"

"Well, it COULD be that, I guess..."

"What's with all of the commotion in here?"

That was when TheGentleman and MrCheese walked in on the scene, and they too beheld the green and purple crewmates getting ready to go all out in the kitchen.

"The heck are they doin'?" MrCheese wondered aloud.

"They're gonna have a cook-off, is what they're doin'," Veteran told him. "And I can already tell it's gonna be intense."

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