''That's Wicked, Daddy-O!''

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[SYNOPSIS: Heavy under the influence of sugar, Veteran reveals his longing for someone who hasn't been around in the lobby for the longest time...or so he thinks, at least.]

[LOCATION: The Skeld]

The premise for the one-shot was requested by @Bootieos16. Hope you enjoy it, doc! 


"Ohh, ghee whiz TheGentleman. You sure do know how to host a heck of a dinner party!"

"Why thank you, Mother," the charcoal crewmate in question nodded, tipping his hats to her. "Nothing but the best from the five finest chefs in the lobby, of course. It was of utmost importance to me that practically everyone attending would be satisfied with the banquet, so I made sure that the variety was not lacking!"

"I can tell; you really went all out with the choices! Salmon temaki, pot au feu, loco moco, cheesy tater tot casserole? Oh, my boys really love that, lemme tell you. And the aspic? Wow...I've seen my fair share of old movies so I know what the stuff is, but I never thought I'd see it brought back like it was tonight!"

"Yes, and I'm especially pleased with the variety presented there as well," TheGentleman agreed, looking over to the display of a few intricate molds of savory jelly on one of the tables. "I personally am very fond of the tomato and beef stock kind presented in the lion-shaped mold; quite a rich flavor combination!"

"Whoever brought those to the table sure knows their foodstuffs. Who exactly did bring those to the get-together?"

"Why, it was none other than-!"

"Ohhhh, heyyy Gentledude. Is it karaoke time yet?"

The black-clad bean was interrupted by Veteran stumbling over, a bottle of root beer in one hand and a spoon in the other. Unsavory smudges of brown smeared his face, and his eyes weren't focused in the slightest.

"Wh...? Veteran, I already told you there is no karaoke bar to be taking place here tonight!" he scolded him.

"Ugh...Sorry, TheGentleman," Player apologized, hurrying over from his seat at one of the tables. "He kind of had too much ice cream before, and washing it down with root beer didn't exactly help his case."

"Mm, yes. Intoxication via sugar. Can't say I haven't seen it myself in a movie before...If that is the case, then I recommend you try to entertain him for the time being, Mr. Player. I doubt Mother would like to see him galivanting about in a stupor like this in front of the children."

"I'll do whatever I can. Gives me something extra to do, I guess."

"Hey Player! Need a hand?" Captain offered him. "Three guys can have a fun night out if two of them are sober!"

"Uh, well...If you want to, Cap. I don't wanna pull you away from your food."

"What? Nah, I'll just bring it over! This green jelly stuff's got a lot of vegetables in it anyways, so I doubt Veteran will make a grab for it."

 The conversation between Mother and TheGentleman devolved into background noise as the red and white crewmate dragged their inebriated companion back to his spot at their table, plopping him back in his seat.

"Awwww...I wanted to go back to the dessert buffet."

"You've had more than enough dessert for one night with the way you're acting," Player said to him. "Besides, you still have a bottle of root beer in your hand you haven't finished yet."

"Should we let him finish it, Player?" Captain inquired.

"Eh...Waste not, want not. Besides, it's almost gone by now."

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