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[Synopsis: The crew knew that Player had karate lessons that day, and would be joining them later...They did NOT expect him to show up looking the way he did. It turns out that Player has a hard time against adversaries back at home, too.]

[Location: MIRA HQ]


"Welp, Player should be on any minute," Veteran announced. "You know, I might ask him to give me a few karate pointers one of these days. Sounds like it'd be a good tool against Impostors."

"Wouldn't that be considered cheating, Veteran?" TheGentleman questioned.

"Hey. Raw ability is raw ability. I'm honestly surprised Player hasn't thought of that himself yet. He's got a green belt, so he's probably not too shabby."

"A green belt? Psh. Only impressed by a brown belt and higher, pal," MrCheese remarked.

"D'ohh, come on, MrCheese..." Dum nudged him. "I've seen Player in action before, and he's actually really good! I've seen him take down a guy four inches taller than him!"

"Really?" Captain followed up. "Hey! Maybe you and I can attend a tournament if he ever participates in one!"

"I'll check into that! I'm sure he'd love the support!"

"You know, I've actually been considering martial arts for my two boys to help them let off some of that extra steam they have," Mother remarked. "My only concern is that they'll get themselves hurt if they go up against other kids during practice."

"Hey, that's part of the program, y'know?" Veteran replied to her. "At least that's what Payer said about it. Yeah, it can leave a few bruises. 'Specially if you're on the losing side of a match. But he said it's usually nothing serious, and you get used to it after a while."

"Wow. The sore loser's a karate kid?" Bro added, his eyebrows raised in surprise. "Who'd have guessed, huh Ninja?"

"ああ、黙れ..." the purple crewmate growled at him, rolling his eyes.

The sound of someone else joining the game sounded off, and the familiar shape of a beanie appeared came into view as its wearer materialized into the lobby.

"'Ey guys, Player's here!" the yellow crewmate alerted the others as he turned to face the crowd again. "I'm gonna go start my training, and-"

"Player, what HAPPENED to you!?!?"

"What the-"

It was only after Dum cried out at the sight of her younger brother that Veteran was able to get a better look at him, drawing closer as he saw the pink crewmate rush toward him.

"Oh my God...!"

His eyes widened in horror at what he saw...Player's entire form was covered in dark bruises and bleeding scrapes, and he had an obvious black eye showing in the right side of his visor. He was trembling where he stood, and his eyes were moist with tears.

Dum skidded to a halt once she reached her brother, absolutely mortified at the sight of him. She rose her hand and gently cupped his bruised cheek, threatening to spill her own tears as she looked him right in the eye...He looked just as broken on the inside as he did on the surface.

"Player...How...Wh-who did this to you?" she asked him.

He didn't respond. He was alert and still standing, but he just couldn't find the words to answer her with.

The rest of the crew approached once they caught wind of something being wrong, and they all beheld the terrible sight of their friend.

"Good gracious...!"

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