Book of Memories

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[Synopsis: After a massive decluttering of her quarters, Dum comes across one of her old photo albums; one specifically full of pictures of her and her brother when they were younger! Her first instinct? Show everyone the heaping pile of adorableness!]

[Location: The Skeld]


"Phew...Almost done," Dum huffed, satisfied with her work so far. Nearly everything in her room was sorted out properly, and with not nearly as many things piled up on the desk and shelves as there'd been before.

"Only thing left to do is reorganize the bookshelf," she said to herself, nodding confidently as she started clearing the shelf off, piling the books up onto her bed. There were a lot of things there that she immediately knew she wouldn't ever need; boring novels, an essential handguide to troubleshooting systems on the Skeld(Engineer might want that one, really,) a book of pranks bought a few years ago that she never found the chance to use...

The last book she had to pull out was a large one with a hard, maroon cover, jutting out further than all of the other books on the shelf. It immediately caught Dum's attention, and she took a peek at it as she pulled it out...There in the center of the front cover was an old photo of her and Player. She couldn't have been any older than seven in the picture, and her brother not any older than two or three.

"Oh my gosh~! This is that old photo album of when we were kids!" she gushed, hugging the album ecstatically. She forgot all about cleaning her bookshelf out and plopped down on her bed, opening the cover and immersing herself in the memories.

"Oh, I almost forgot I had this! I should look at this more often!"

"What's goin' on in here, Dum?"

A familiar lime head peeked in through the open doorway; it was Dum's best friend, Gnome, and she had a curious look on her face.

"Oh, hey Gnome! I found my old photo album of Player and me when we were little! You wanna see?"

Gnome gasped excitedly.

"That sounds so cute! I gotta see this!"

She sat down beside her friend as she flipped back to the first page again.

"See this one right there?" Dum said, pointing at the first photo in the album. "That's from the hospital the day Player was born. I was, uh...four? I think? Yeah, that's right."

"That's Player?" Gnome replied, looking at the tiny red bean swaddled up in the blanket, sleeping in his big sister's hold. "N'ohhh, he was so small...!"

"Hee hee, yeah. He was real tiny."

"Pffft, look at your face. You look so confused."

"Yeah, I wasn't sure what to really make of him at the time, but he grew on me REEAALLY fast!"

"What's goin' on in here?"

The familiar, gruff voice of Player's best friend came from outside the door, and sure enough, Veteran's head was visible in the doorway, leaning in from the side.

"Oh, hey Veteran!" Dum greeted, motioning for him to come in.

"'Sup, lady dudes? What's shakin'?"

"Dum found a photo album of her and Player as kids," Gnome smiled. "Care to look?"

"Well, I don't have anything better to do," he shrugged as he parked himself beside Player's sister. "Sure, I'll have a looksee..."

As soon as he saw Player's baby picture, he threw his hands up to his face and let out a suppressed snort.

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