To Avenge My Love(OLD VENT FIC)

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[Synopsis: He took everything from him in such a short amount of time...He won't let the killer get away with it so easily.]

[Location: Engineer and Gnome's house]

TW: This short story gets EXTREMELY dark, particularly towards the end. Sorry, but contrary to the book title, there's no fluff here. I listened to a lot of two-sentence horror stories a while back, so I decided to try my hand at something more in the horror category for once. Please pardon my grimness.

At the time of publishing this entry, it's almost a month and a half old. I wasn't planning on sharing it until after the next art dump, but um...that's probably gonna be a while still. So if you're up for something bone-chilling, here ya go.


It was so much darker than usual, and so much more quiet than what was comfortable. The only light shining into the bedroom was a paper thin ray from outside peering in through the small space in the window the blinds failed to cover. And even that wasn't very strong; it had been overcast all day, and the faint rumble of thunder in the far distance indicated the storm beginning to brew outside...But between the two figures in the bedroom, there was a storm brewing inside as well, and a far more violent one than the clouds threatened to bring.

"...You're alone. With me," Engineer whispered, his voice laced with venom enough to kill twenty. "No one can help you now."

Engineer looked at the empty side of the bed where Gnome used to sleep, and then down at her murderer before him...In taking her life, he'd taken EVERYTHING from him. The future they had planned, their joy, their love...There would be no more breakfast conversations. No more late night cuddles. No more dancing in the living room when no one was looking...To think, they'd only done that last night. Engineer was glad he'd savored that moment while he'd been able to, like he savored every moment he'd had with her...At the time, he didn't know it would be their last dance. He didn't know that the person before him now would come along so suddenly...

And kill her.

He wished things could have been different.

"...Why did you do it?" he asked, a stray tear streaming down his face. "Why did you have to take her away from me...?"

He got no answer from the murderer...Of course, Engineer should have figured that he wouldn't talk to him.

The purple figure's expression loosened again, blinking to regain what little composure he had left before he did what he did, before standing up and making his way to the dresser, opening up the center right drawer...Underneath a few thin articles of pajamas sat a black pistol; what was meant to be a tool of self defense in the case of someone breaking and entering before Engineer could finish the advanced house security system he'd been working on for so to be repurposed.

He checked, then double checked to ensure it was loaded properly, then undid the safety latch and cocked the weapon...No law would ever have been able to inflict a strong enough punishment on the murderer in the room as he was about to. And no police would have ever let him do it himself...let alone at all, come to think of it.

But if he wanted something done the right way, Engineer knew he had to do it himself. He didn't care about the consequences, despite knowing full well what they might be should he be found out...But he knew he wouldn't let himself live long enough to face them, as well. He figured he might as well use the second bullet in the pistol on his own head after he relished the taste of revenge one last time...Other than that, he had nothing left to live for, after all.

"My God, Gnome..." he rasped, as though she could hear him. "You've...only been gone for an hour. But I feel like years have gone by since I last heard your voice."

He shuddered at his last memory of her. The last thing he'd ever heard from his beloved was her bloodcurdling scream as she was dying, out of his sight, and out of his reach...Why couldn't he have told her how much he loved her one last time, if it was going to be his last chance?

A gust of wind blasted against the house from outside, rocking it just enough to jostle a music box in the other room...Two notes played out soft and short.

...Gnome had picked that music box out. She'd played it at least once a day over the past month...Hearing it again now made him miss her all the greater.

"It wasn't supposed to be this way," he told the killer, the barrel of Engineer's gun pointed down at him. "Why did you have to make it this way?"

Again, he got no answer. The killer just stared up at him, as though nothing was wrong.

"You don't deserve to live," Engineer snarled, a twisted grin spreading across his face. "You don't deserve ANYTHING but to DIE, and go straight to hell where you belong, because there's no place for you on this earth..."

He rested his forefinger against the trigger, knowing the right moment was close.

"There never will be...No one will miss you. But Gnome...She'll be missed. And I'll be missed when I'm gone...You're worthless. You mean NOTHING to me but pain and suffering..."

As the rain outside began to pour, he smiled knowing that behind the sound of the weather, and behind the sound-proofed walls of the house, no one would hear the shot go off.

"If only I'd have known you would do this sooner," Engineer whispered. "I would have found a way to kill you far, far sooner, and save Gnome...But I guess I have no other choice...than to do it NOW."

Gnome's murderer made no attempt to save himself as Engineer pulled the trigger back and sent the bullet flying towards his head at close range. He didn't even make any protest against it in the few moments before the gun fired.

...After all, he was only an hour old.

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