Ties That Bond-Part 3: Anticipation of Apologies

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[Synopsis: Night has passed and a new day has dawned, yet tensions are still lingering. How will things play out between the crew and their estranged friend today?]

[Spans across a few different locations.]

NOTE: SrQueso is mentioned a couple times, but he is not physically present in this chapter.



Dum awoke to the sound of her alarm blaring in her ear, and she turned towards her night table and reached out to grab the phone on her desk, silencing it with the swipe of a finger. She looked at the time: 6:45 a.m. She contemplated sleeping in for maybe another fifteen minutes to half an hour, given that there was no rush to attend any classes or cram for a test today. And there wouldn't be for another whole week. But now that her eyes were open, and the weight from yesterday was flooding back to her recent memory, the idea of going back to sleep wasn't all that appealing anymore.

Captain, she remembered. ...I should probably talk to him.

Sighing deeply, Dum unlocked her phone and opened up Discord; Player had gotten her set up in their chat server when she first showed interest in the game the previous day and ran her through the basics, so she knew what to do. She wasn't sure whether or not Captain was awake yet, but if he didn't see it right now, then he might later, right?

To her good fortune, she saw that he was online, so she typed out a short message and sent it.

"Hey Captain, you there?"

At first, she could see him beginning to type from the other end. But after about five seconds it stopped, and the next thing she knew she was getting a call from him. A bit startled and not entirely sure how to handle the situation, she lowered the volume on her phone down to half and then answered it with a nervously shaking forefinger.


"DUM! Oh gosh, I didn't expect to hear from you this early in the morning, this is great!"

He sounded happy to hear from her. The fact that he was in good spirits again was a relief.

"Hey, Captain. Uh...I'm happy to hear from you too, but do you think you could be a little quieter please? Everyone else is still asleep here."

"Oh. My bad. I'll keep it down," Captain replied. "Normally I don't get any messages until two hours from now. What's up?"

"I...Well first of all, I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Y'know...after what happened yesterday."

Captain took a moment to respond again.

"Oh...Yes, that," the white crewmate on the other end acknowledged, his tone deflating a bit. "Um...About that, Dum. I've been doing a lot of thinking between last night and this morning, and I think I've come to a conclusion."

"What's that?"

"Well...Player was right about a lot of things he said about everyone...E-especially me."

"Cappy, you know that he shouldn't-"

"I know, I know, but...Honestly, I should've seen it coming at some point. Player's been through a lot of crazy stuff with us here in the server, and...Well, before I go on, let me say that I don't regret snagging you your first win in your first game of Among Us with us. No, not at all. That was probably the best round I've had in a while myself, too!"

Dum let slip a smile when she heard the pep return to his voice.

"That was pretty fun, huh?"

"Heh heh, yeah it was...But in hindsight, I probably should have tried as hard as I did with you when I was paired up with Player. I know a lot of the time we were on separate teams, but if I'd given him just a bit more wiggle room to snag that win, then...I don't know, maybe things would have been a little different."

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