You're a Winner in My Book

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[Synopsis: Veteran gets a surprise visit from a very distraught Player in the middle of the night. Apparently, his best friend had a pretty bad dream, and for some reason he isn't keen on explaining what it was about...But either way, Veteran is determined to help the situation.]

[Location: The Skeld]

Oh, and a quick warning for the first sequence. Player's dream gets pretty gory towards the end, so reader discretion is advised.




"Where is everyone...?"

Something wasn't right. The Skeld was dimly lit, his voice echoed through the corridors, and there didn't seem to be another person anywhere. No MrCheese, no Mother, no Stoner...

Finally, Player entered the cafeteria, and stopped when he saw a dark silhouette in the middle of the room...He could just barely make out the shape of a crown atop its head.


The figure turned to face him...It was Veteran. And he looked pretty disgruntled.


"Veteran...Thank goodness. I thought I was here all alone for a while."

"You will be."

"...What? What do you mean? And...where's everyone else?"

"It's not obvious to you? They all LEFT. Because they can't STAND you anymore."


"And neither can I. All you're good for is keeping us down and getting in our way. You're WORTHLESS."

"Whah...But...Veteran. What about everything we've...?"

"You were never my friend. I told you that from the get-go. But you're apparently too stupid to listen...All you are is another mouth to feed around here."

That was when the yellow crewmate pulled a remote out, a large red button plainly visible on it.

"V-veteran...? What's that?"

"I figured I might as well put you to good use...Captain has some pretty good ideas for dealing with trash like you, I'll give him that."

He pressed the button, then ran into the dark ship, disappearing from view.

"Veteran, WAIT...!"

But he was already gone...The little bit of the cafeteria that'd been visible to Player before had now faded completely into black.


He got no verbal response...But he did hear SOMETHING.

A moan...? No, not just one...TWO moans.




...They grew louder.



"Oh no..."

That was when they made themselves known...The reanimated corpses of his peers gathered around him, closing in from all sides...Everyone else he'd once called a friend.

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