Parental Advisory

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[Synopsis: Player and Angel have been together for a while, so they finally decide it's time to introduce one another to each of their parents. Player's are thrilled by the news and proud as all get-outs. Angel's, on the other hand...well...It seems like the red crewmate is going to have to warm up to her dad a bit.]

[Location: Player and Angel's separate houses]


"Now I'm just gonna ask you this one more time. You sure you got what it takes to make this leap?" Veteran asked him as he looked Player up and down.

"I think so. I mean, I had to do it at some point...How do I look?"

"Hmm...Yellow might look dashing on me, but on your bowtie it's WAY too geeky. Switch it out for the dark blue one."

Player nodded, then replaced it with one of the other ties in the box on his dresser; his father had passed the box, along with its contents, down to him a couple of years ago, but Player never had much use for them...until now, at least.

"I don't even know why my dad had a yellow one; I figured it'd have just blended in with the rest of him."

"Heh heh, yeah, that is kinda weird, isn't it...? You remember the three C's?"

"Cleanliness, courtesy and curfew?"

"You got it down. 'Specially the last 'C'; you're gonna want to have her back at LEAST before nine-thirty."

"Nine-thirty?" Player asked. "...You really don't think Angel's parents will let her stay out till ten? It's Friday."

"Never take too big a chance on your first serious date, dude. Besides, I'm not usually one for gossip, but I hear that Angel's dad is...the protective  kind."

Player gulped, then looked at himself in the mirror again, hoping he wouldn't make a bad impression.

"...Noted," the red figure nodded. "What time is it, Vet'?"

"It's, uhhh..." the yellow crewmate replied as he pulled his phone out. "Three-forty-eight."

"Okay. We've still got ten minutes to spare before Angel gets here. The movie's not until five, so I'll probably use the half hour block while she's here to better introduce her to Mom and Dad. Then I'm gonna take us to the theater, then for dinner, we're gonna hit that new vintage diner that opened up a mile or two away from there...What's it called again?"

"The Golden 50. I hit that place up with my pops the week it opened, and BOY, lemme tell ya. There's a reason the old people talk up those years. The food from back then is BALLIN'. I gotta tell you about their milkshakes, they-"

"Let's not spoil everything for me now, dude. Besides, we' some more important things to handle right now, anyways."

"Oh, right. Uh...So the movie's gonna be just over an hour and a half, and it'll take probably around an hour for you guys to finish up at that diner, maybe an extra fifteen minutes if you get dessert. So that should all be finished by...Probably around eight o'clock.

"So that leaves us with around another hour and a half to kill...What do you think we should do with that hunk of time?"

"I'll leave that up to you," Veteran said to him. "...But use it wisely. Now, do you have everything you need?"

"I think so, but run me through the list one more time just to be sure."

"Alrighty. Cologne?"

"Applied. Uh...lightly."

Some Fluffy Among Us Logic One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now