A Tight Squeeze

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[Synopsis: A chaotic chain of events somehow ends with TheGentleman and MrCheese trapped inside a Storage crate. MrCheese isn't particularly worried; he knows they'll be found eventually, and he doesn't mind the closeness with his associate. TheGentleman, on the other hand, is claustrophobic, so he isn't handling the situation very well.]

[Location: The Skeld]


"There we go, that's it..."

TheGentleman's first task after the regular card swipe was to fix the wires in Storage. And with the panel being right across from the south hallway end, it was only a hop, skip and a jump away, so he got it done in no time flat.

He figured he might as well get his tasks in Electrical done before delving into much else; it was a good way to take advantage of the Impostors' beginning cooldown of ten seconds, so as long as he was in and out of there quickly, he'd probably be fine.

"Hey, TheGentleman! Up here!"

The black crewmate looked up to face the source of the voice, and he beheld what looked like...

"MrCheese!? What on earth are you doing up there?!?"

"I'm gettin' a bird's-eye view of Storage, baby!" he called from atop the massive pile of metal crates containing various supplies. "Why don'tcha join me!?"

"Indeed not, MrCheese!" TheGentleman staunchly declined. "Do be sensible and get yourself down from up there! One false move, and you could send the entire pile toppling over and crashing down onto us! Not to mention any possible bystanders!"

"Oh, relax, TheGentleman. Nothing like that's gonna-"

Before he could finish speaking, MrCheese felt the mountain of crates begin to shift under his weight, and a rumbling sound could be heard from beneath him with every move he made.

"...Okay, maybe I spoke a lil' too soon," the orange crewmate admitted.

The alarms blared, indicating a reactor sabotage. But MrCheese and TheGentleman barely heard it amidst their own problems at hand.

"MrCheese, it's going to collapse! JUMP!"

Just as TheGentleman had anticipated, the crate pile began to fall apart, causing an avalanche of Storage crates to come hurtling to the ground...But he didn't flee the room just yet. His first instinct was to make sure MrCheese got out of the ordeal safely.

He watched his associate hop down the still-collapsing tower, carefully maneuvering around the falling crates before finally landing beside him.

"Phew...You alright there, MrCheese?"

"As I'll ever be...Come on, let's get outta here before-"


TheGentleman spoke up a moment too late. A particularly large, but now empty crate was falling down towards them, its top open. When the black crewmate tried and failed to shove MrCheese out of the way in time, he found himself being swallowed up by the metal box as well, and the force of his lunge caused the crate with them in it to tumble across one of the few sections of the floor that wasn't cluttered from the avalanche. The box finally came to a stop when it slammed up against the wall and then finally sat still against the floor, but the two crewmembers inside of it were still shaken up.

"Ough...That's going to leave a bruise," TheGentleman groaned as he massaged the side of his head, having bumped it against the metal crate during the fiasco. "MrCheese, are you okay...?"

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