Swing Sets

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[SYNOPSIS: During an outing, MrCheese and MrEgg stumble across an old, faded playground standing in an unfrequented corner of the park. Well, the equipment LOOKS functional, so why not relive the good old days?]

[LOCATION: The local park]

TW: SrQueso is prominent in this one.


"It's odd coming here once all the leaves have fallen, isn't it?"

"Yeah, normally TheGentleman and I don't hang out here during the winter; nicer to stay inside with the blankets and tea, y'know?" MrCheese replied to his egg-hatted companion.

"Me and the missus agree. Besides, you know how I get in weather like this sometimes."

"Yeah, ghee...Guess it's a good thing you took all those Flintstone vitamins before heading out, heh heh."

"Anything that might help..."

MrEgg adjusted and tightened his scarf a bit for good measure...In all honesty, he wasn't sure why MrCheese had invited him to an outing in the park on this particular day; the weather was gloomy and grey, and there wasn't even any snow on the ground to have fun in. There was only a chilly breeze, whistling ominously through the bare branches above them.

"This feels like it could be a scene in some horror film," the marigold bean remarked, only half joking. "Erm...Why exactly did you want to do this today, given the weather?"

"I dunno, it just kinda occurred to me that I've never been here during the wintertime...well...sort of wintertime. The solstice ain't until the 21st, y'know?"

"Well, whatever. I  certainly say it's winter, whether or not the calendar does."

"Hey, what's that over there?"

MrEgg was suddenly very alert, given the atmosphere.

"What? Do you see someone?"

"I don't think it's a someone, I think it's a some-thing.  A few somethings, really. C'mon, let's go check it out!"

"What-? But...Hey, wait!"

MrCheese was already hightailing it over to where he'd pointed, and MrEgg was simply doomed to follow him to...wherever he was going.

I hope this isn't some sort of prank...

He made his way in between two overgrown hedges and into a small clearing overshadowed by a canopy of leafless twigs above...It was a small, rustic-looking playground that MrCheese had lead him to. It had a swing set, two slides, a roundabout and a couple of rusty spring riders, and all of the equipment was made of metal, wood, or a combination of the two. From the looks of it, the playground was very old and hadn't been touched for quite a long time.

"Oh. I see...This IS somewhat interesting, isn't it?"

"Ghee, whiz. The place looks old as the hills, don't it?"

"I should say. If I were to take a guess by the style and the state of it, I gather it was built in...perhaps the 1950's?"

"And probably not used  since Beatlemania hit this place, heh heh," MrCheese jeered. "...Let's go on the merry-go-round!"

"Wait, WHAT?"

MrCheese skipped over to the old metal piece of equipment and gave it a spin with a firm push of his hand on one of the handles.

"It's a little squeaky, but I think it'll hold us alright!"

"MrCheese, I don't think it's safe," MrEgg warned him. "If there's a screw loose in there somewhere and we go flying off, that's not going to be good for my health regardless of how many precautions I took earlier!"

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