Dum Romance

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[Synopsis: Player fails to show up to one of his and Captain's "best friend picnics"(again.) But as luck may have it, his sister Dum is in the area, and the presumably doomed outing becomes a flat-out date! Guess Captain isn't so hopeless after all, huh?]

[Location: Some random park]


Five minutes...

Half an hour...

An hour...

TWO hours...

...Five hours.

That was how long he'd waited at that point. Captain continued to sit on the checkered blanket in the middle of the grass, still scanning the area for Player...He'd been sitting there ever since 11:00 that morning, and now it was late in the afternoon. All the while, he kept telling himself that his red-clad bestie would eventually show up.

But the same thing had happened last time. And the time before...And the time before that, too.

Maybe it just slipped his mind again, he said to himself. But considering that I talked to him about the whole ordeal, I doubt he could have COMPLETELY forgotten. Yeah! He'll show up!

He glanced at the picnic basket sitting beside him...It was almost ninety degrees outside, and being summer, it'd probably get a little hotter before the cool of the evening finally set in. By now, the fresh avocado BLTs he'd made were probably soggy and/or stale, and the iced tea was most likely lukewarm and watered down from the ice melting into it...At least the trail mix was probably still okay.

He'll show up.

He promised himself he would give it just one more hour.

He'll show up...

Come on. Player COULDN'T forget about this now that he'd discussed the matter with him, right?


What if...he DID remember, but just didn't WANT to come...? No, no, that was ridiculous. Player wouldn't do that...He HAD to have just forgotten. He wouldn't leave him in the dust...

...Like he had at his birthday party.

Or at Christmas.

And to top it all off, he and Player had...never really had a full discussion about what happened with the zombies...Or the day he met his sister Dum and won the match with her.

...That didn't go over so well, he remembered.

He looked out over the park one more time, just to be sure...Still no Player.

Oh...oh, forget it...

...He wasn't going to show up.

Captain's expression fell, and he slowly rose to his feet and readied to pack up the blanket and head home.

"Captain~! There you are!"

Immediately, his head perked back up and his eyes widened. He turned his head this way and that to see who'd called him, and then finally, his eyes fell upon someone running towards him from the east.

But it wasn't Player. It was...

"Dum...?" he recognized. "What brings you here?"

"I came for the picnic, Captain! What else?"

"Really?" he asked, turning slightly pink. "Heh heh...Wow. Um...Not that I'm complaining or anything, because you showing up just as I'm about to head out REALLY made my day, but how exactly did you know about this? Player was the one I sent the invite to. Did he say something to you about it?"

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