Just Returning the Favor

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[Synopsis: Player feels pretty guilty about how he's treated Captain; particularly about the time he didn't go to his birthday party. So he decides to make it up to Captain and throw him another one! And THIS one will actually have a few attendees!]

[Location: MIRA HQ]


"'Sup, Player?" Veteran greeted as he spawned into the lobby beside his best friend. "You ready to get down to business?"

Player sighed. He didn't seem too enthused.

"I guess so..."

"Somethin' the matter, dude?"

"Yeah...You could say that."

"Is it about the fact that you never seem to win?" Veteran assumed. "Yeah, I know it can getcha down sometimes. But you'll get a lucky break one day. I know it. I can FEEL it. Heck, today might just be-"

"No, that's...That's not the problem, Veteran," he lightly corrected him. "I mean, don't get me wrong, I would like to finally win a game one of these days, and I appreciate your encouragement...But I'm not the only one here who's got it kinda bad."

"Well, who else were you thinkin' of?"

Player emitted another sigh as he looked Veteran in the eye.

"I...I feel pretty bad for Captain, y'know?"

"Captain? Really?" Veteran questioned. "Doesn't he, like, get on your nerves?"

"Sometimes, yeah. But he's only trying to be nice. And...The whole 'best friend' thing he has with me? I mean, you're still my real best friend, Veteran, but I think I'm one of the only people he thinks he has in life. And if he weren't so naïve, he'd realize that I..."

He paused, resting his visor in one of his hands.

"...I don't treat him any better than anyone else does."

"Come on, Player. That ain't true."

"Isn't it, though?" he debated. "I mean, look. I never show up to anything he tried to plan for the two of us, I flat-out REFUSED to get him anything for Christmas, and then I ended up ruining that game for him without even knowing it until I got back, I always kill him the first chance I get, I'm always telling him he can't do anything right, I...I..."

He shook his head.

"Veteran...I didn't even bother to show up at his birthday party," he finished. "...Can you imagine what something like that feels like? You prepare a huge celebration for the people you care about to attend, and you think everyone is gonna have such a good time, and then...nobody comes?"

"...Huh. Yeah, that'd probably suck pretty bad."

"Captain had to have been devastated...I deserve to get eaten by zombies a thousand more times over...I don't know why he decided to forgive me for that all of a sudden; I...I really don't deserve it."

"Player, if you feel that guilty about the situation, then why don't you just do something nice for him yourself?"

"You think that'd be enough to make up for everything?"

"Dude. This is CAPTAIN we're talking about," Veteran reminded him. "He'd be happy for the rest of his life if you just took him to McDonald's and got him a happy meal."

Player managed a bit of a laugh. Yeah, that DID sound pretty accurate.

"Ha ha, yeah...Guess you're right. But I wanna do something a little bigger than that for him. Something that'll REALLY make him happy."

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