HEADCANONS: Which Hogwarts House do they Belong to?(And Why?)

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Player: Gryffindor, for unrelenting courage and chivalry in the face of danger.

Dum: Hufflepuff, for her dedication and loyalty to her loved ones.

Veteran: Gryffindor, for similar reasons to Player(though it's more of an obliviousness/numbness to danger than it is courage in the face of it.)

Captain: Slytherin, ironically, for his ambition and leadership skills. He has also been shown to possess some level of cunning, as we saw in the zombie apocalypse episode. However, the Sorting Hat also considered Hufflepuff for his dedication and hard work...Also he has a pet snake, so that just makes it better, lol

TheGentleman: Ravenclaw, for his intelligence and wit. The Sorting Hat also considered Hufflepuff for his work ethic.

MrCheese: Slytherin, for his cunning and ambition.

Stoner: Ravenclaw, for his knowledge and creativity.

Bro: Gryffindor, for his boldness in the face of danger.

Ninja: Ravenclaw, for his intelligence and wit. The Sorting Hat also considered Slytherin for his cunning and resourcefulness.

MrEgg: Hufflepuff, for his loyalty, patience and dedication.

Ria: Hufflepuff, for similar reasons to MrEgg.

Mother: Hufflepuff, for her good work ethic and dedication.

Engineer: Ravenclaw, for his intelligence, creativity and wit.

Gnome: Gryffindor, for her boldness in the face of danger. The Sorting Hat also considered Slytherin for her cunning and ambition.

Angel: Slytherin, also ironically, for her resourcefulness, cunning and ambition.

Wizard: Ravenclaw, for his creativity and wit.

Noob: Slytherin, for her resourcefulness and cunning.

Happy: Slytherin, for the same reasons as Noob.

Aiden: Hufflepuff, for his hard work and dedication to his...studies, I guess. Dudes, he's a college student, it's the best I could come up with. XD

Dr. Doktor: Gryffindor, for his bravery against Novisor and its followers and his determination to put an end to the suffering they inflicted on so many innocents.


Yeah, I know you probably weren't expecting something like this, but it's just to tide you guys over while I work on my nest entry; I had to do some research for it, and I sort of got sucked down a magic rabbithole in the process, so I figured I'd whip up these headcanons. XP So what do you think? Does everyone fit in where they're placed, or do you think they belong in different houses? Lemme know if I should change anything! :D

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