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[Synopsis: The stress of college is really getting to Aiden...Hopefully, a bit of down time will help to recharge him.]

[Location: Crewmate Community College]


The lime figure sat on his bed with his guitar, tuning it between test strums every minute or so. His gig at the campus party was tomorrow night, and he wasn't about to show up without brushing up on his skills.

Glad I finally got my last assignment turned in today, he said to himself. His parents were a little worried when he said he was working on getting a degree in composition, but he was acing his assignments so far, and his shows were only helping him to climb the ladder to success. Even if he didn't get as big as the bands he looked up to, he still had something going for him.

It was at that moment that He heard the doorknob turn, and he looked over to the room entrance to see the door swing open with an audible whoosh, and a brown figure with a slightly dusty flat cap stumbled in, staggered forward and then finally collapsed onto his bed.

"Whoa, whoa, Aiden...You good, man?"

"Not now, Punk," he replied, his voice muffled as he spoke into the bed sheets. "I don't have the energy to communicate properly right now..."

Punk put his electric guitar down and stood up to unplug the amp, then headed over to the still-open door

"...Imma head down to the Cafeteria and get us some lunch," he told Aiden as he went. "You want anything in particular?"

He got no answer, so he just turned and left, quietly shutting the door on his way out.





After a few minutes, Aiden finally sat up and opened his eyes...He hid his visor in his hands and massaged his temples and forehead; he might have finally finished and turned in his last three assignments on time, but he still had a fourth one due in three days, and he hadn't even BEGUN to study for it yet because he'd been too busy studying for the OTHER tests he'd just completed. And the lack of rest his system had gotten had resulted in a never-ending headache, shaky knees and eyes that would barely stay open without him having to pry the lids apart with his fingers.

I don't know how much longer I can go on like this, he said to himself.

It was then that he heard the door open up, and Punk entered with a couple of foam takeout bowls and a pair of orange juice cartons.

"'Ey, bromigo. You up for somethin' to eat?"

"Ugh...I dunno...Maybe?" Aiden replied. "Depends on what it is..."

Punk handed him one of the bowls and urged him to open it. Aiden pulled the plastic lid off, and was immediately hit with the warm, savory smell of meat and broth that made him forget about his headache for a moment.

"They had some minestrone ready to serve, so I figured I'd get you a bowl. Didn't think pizza for the umpteenth time in a row would help you out much."

He handed Aiden a spoon so that he could dig in, and the brown crewmate sitting on the bed managed a bit of a smile.

"...Thanks, man."

Some Fluffy Among Us Logic One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now